Serena Release Automation Properties

A step has access to properties set earlier by other steps within the process, to properties set by the application that invoked the component process as well as those on the target environment and resource. Step property values become unavailable once the component process ends.

Every item from the table below will use this format: ${}

Table 74. Serena Release Automation Properties

Property Description A user defined name to distinguish the version from others. A version name is entered when a new version is imported. The number assigned to the version. A version id is created when a new version is imported in CodeStation. A user defined name to distinguish it from other components. A component name is entered when creating a new component. A unique number Serena Release Automation assigns to distinguish the component from others. The component id is created when a component is created in Serena Release Automation. A user defined name to distinguish it from other resources. The resource name is entered when editing or creating a new resource. A unique number given to a resource. A resource id is assigned when a new resource is created. A user defined name to distinguish it from others. An application name is entered when editing or creating a new application. A unique number given to an application. An application id is assigned when a new application is created in Serena Release Automation. A user defined name to distinguish the environment from others. An environment name is entered when editing or creating a new environment. A unique number given to an environment. An environment id is assigned when a new environment is created. A unique number Serena Release Automation gives the agent to distinguish it from others with similar names. An agent id is assigned when it is installed on the system. A user defined name to distinguish the agent from others. The agents name can be entered by editing the agent's conf/agent/ file and restarting the agent.
stepname/propertyname Used in output from step
property_name Component or application process property; defined on the process's Properties tab. Given value by whoever runs the process.
component/property_name Component custom property; set on the component’s Properties tab.

Environment property. Defined on the component’s or environment’s Properties tab. While both use the same syntax, the latter is not associated with any specific component. Values are supplied on the associated environment or component. A value set on component environment overrides one with the same name set directly on an environment property.

Component environment properties are versioned and enable you to centralize properties, tracking type and default values, for instance. Environment properties are unversioned and provide ad-hoc lists of property=value pairs.

resource/property_name Resource properties. This can include the built-in agent properties as well as any custom properties. Each of these have their own tab on the resource.
resource/role name/property name Resource role properties. These are defined on resource roles, and the values are set when you add a role to a resource.
application/property name Application custom properties. These are set on the application’s properties tab.
system/property name Global system properties. These are set on the System Properties page in the Settings area.

All of the following are comma-separated series of name=value, including each property on the given object. This is useful for token replacement.

Table 75. Name/Value Pairs

Property Description
component/allProperties Selects all the properties with the same value in a given component.
environment/allProperties Selects all the properties with the same value in a given environment.
resource/allProperties Selects all properties with the same value in a given resource.
system/allProperties Selects all properties with the same value in a given system.

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