Adding Process Steps

To add a step:

  1. In the Available Plug-in Steps list, click and hold down the mouse on the step you want to use, and drag it onto the design space.

    The cursor changes to the step tool.

    Figure 32. Adding a Step

    Adding a Step

  2. Release the step tool over the design space.

    The Edit Properties pop-up is displayed. Because connections are created after configuring the step's properties, you can place the step anywhere on the design space. Steps can be dragged and positioned at any time. See Plug-ins for information about configuring specific steps.

    Figure 33. Typical Edit Properties Pop-up

    Typical Edit Properties Pop-up

    Configuration dialogs are tailored to the selected step; only parameters associated with the step type are displayed.

  3. After configuring the step's properties, to save the step click Save.

    The step is on the design space and ready to be connected to other steps. To remove the step from the design space, click Cancel. You can add connections immediately after placing a step, or place multiple steps before defining connections.

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