Step Properties: <properties> Element

The properties element is a container for properties which are defined with the property tag. Each step has a single properties element; a properties element can contain any number of property child elements.

A property tag has a mandatory name attribute, optional required attribute, and two child elements, property-ui and value, which are defined in the following table.

Table 72. The <property> Element

<property> Child Elements Description

Defines how the property is presented to users in the Serana Release Automation editor. This element has several attributes:

  • label

    Identifies the property in the editor's Edit Properties dialog box.

  • description

    Text displayed to users in the associated roll-over help box.

  • default-value

    Property value displayed when the Edit Properties dialog box is displayed; used if unchanged.

  • type

    Identifies the type of widget displayed to users. Possible values are:

    • textBox

      Enables users to enter an arbitrary amount of text, limited to 4064 characters.

    • textAreaBox

      Enables users to enter an arbitrary amount of text (larger input area than textBox), limited to limited to 4064 characters.

    • secureBox

      Used for passwords. Similar to textBox except values are redacted.

    • checkBox

      Displays a check box. If checked, a value of true will be used; otherwise the property is not set.

    • selectBox

      Requires a list of one or more values which will be displayed in a drop-down list box. Configuring a value is described below.


Used to specify values for a selectBox. Each value has a mandatory label attribute which is displayed to users, and a value used by the property when selected. Values are displayed in the order they are defined.

Here is a sample <property> definition:

<property name="onerror" required="true">
 <property-ui type="selectBox"
   description="Action to perform when statement fails: continue, stop, abort."
   label="Error Handling"/>
 <value label="Abort">abort</value>
 <value label="Continue">continue</value>
 <value label="Stop">stop</value>
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