(Linux/UNIX (AIX, Solaris) Server Silent Install Options

This section provides the list and description of the Linux/UNIX (AIX, Solaris) silent install options, and examples of the option settings needed for each database (Derby, Oracle, MySQL, and MS SQL Server).

For examples of the optionsFile.txt, see "Examples: Linux/UNIX (AIX, Solaris) Silent Mode Server Installation".

Table 10. (Linux/UNIX (AIX, Solaris) Server silent install options

Option Default Description
IS_SELECTED_INSTALLATION TYPE_ typical must be set to "typical"
SctFoundLoc   To install a new Serena Common Tomcat, leave value empty. (Required)When you want to reuse an existing Serena Common Tomcat; provide the path and also specify the SctInstallLoc option.
SctInstallLoc   Used with the SctFoundLoc option. (Required)When you want to reuse an existing Serena Common Tomcat; can be a new location or reinstall location.
DbDetailsVendor derby Use to specify a database vendor other than the default: oracle|mysql|sqlserver
DbDetailsUser serena_ra database user ID
DbDetailsPwd password password for database user ID
DbDetailsSchema   Required database schema
DbDetailsDriver   database driver class, for example: org.apache.derby.jdbc. ClientDriver
dbDetailsDriverFilename derby (Required)For a database other than Derby; specify a database driver file.
DbDetailsDerbyPort 11377 (Required)For Derby; specify the Derby port.
DbDetailsConnection   database connection
ServerDetailsMutualAuth false agent mutual authentication option: true|false
ServerDetailsPort 7918 server port
IS_INSTALL_MODE silent must be set to: "silent"
SctTomcatOwner   system user to own Serena common Tomcat files; valid for new Serena common Tomcat scenario.
SctTomcatPort 8080 Tomcat port. Only used for new Serena Common Tomcat installations. See the SctFoundLoc option.


The -V syntax is required.

Examples: Linux/UNIX (AIX, Solaris) Silent Mode Server Installation

This section contains sample Linux/UNIX (AIX, Solaris) optionsFile.txt files; each is configured for one of the databases (Derby, MySQL, Oracle, and MS SQL Server).

MySQL Database optionsFile.txt example
	-V SctFoundLoc=""
	-V SctInstallLoc="/opt/serena/common"
	-V DbDetailsVendor="mysql"
	-V DbDetailsUser="sra"
	-V DbDetailsPwd="sra"
	-V DbDetailsDriver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
	-V dbDetailsDriverFilename=""
	-V DbDetailsConnection="jdbc\:mysql\://localhost\:3306/serena_ra"
	-V ServerDetailsMutualAuth="false"
	-V IS_INSTALL_MODE="silent"
	-V SctTomcatOwner=dmsys
	-V SctTomcatPort="8080"
Derby Database optionsFile.txt example
		-V SctFoundLoc=""
		-V SctInstallLoc="/opt/serena/common"
		-V DbDetailsVendor="derby"
		-V DbDetailsUser="User01"
		-V DbDetailsPwd="MyPassword"
		-V DbDetailsDriver="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"
		-V dbDetailsDriverFilename=""
		-V DbDetailsDerbyPort="11377"
		-V DbDetailsConnection="jdbc\:derby\://localhost\:11377/data"
		-V ServerDetailsMutualAuth="false"
		-V IS_INSTALL_MODE="silent"
		-V SctTomcatOwner="dmsys"
		-V SctTomcatPort="8080"
Oracle Database optionsFile.txt example
		-V SctFoundLoc=""
		-V SctInstallLoc="/opt/serena/common"
		-V DbDetailsVendor="oracle"
		-V DbDetailsUser="User02"
		-V DbDetailsPwd="MyPassword"
		-V DbDetailsDriver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
		-V dbDetailsDriverFilename=""
		-V DbDetailsConnection="jdbc\:oracle\:thin\:@localhost\:1521"
		-V ServerDetailsMutualAuth="false"
		-V IS_INSTALL_MODE="silent"
		-V SctTomcatOwner="dmsys"
		-V SctTomcatPort="8080"
MS SQL Server Database optionsFile.txt example
		-V SctFoundLoc=""
		-V SctInstallLoc="/opt/serena/common"
		-V DbDetailsVendor="sqlserver"
		-V DbDetailsUser="User03"
		-V DbDetailsPwd="MyPassword"
		-V DbDetailsDriver="com.microsofl.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
		-V dbDetailsDriverFilename=""
		-V DbDetailsConnection="jdbc\:sqlserver\://localhost\:1433;DatabaseName=serena_ra"
		-V ServerDetailsMutualAuth="false"
		-V IS_INSTALL_MODE="silent"
		-V SctTomcatOwner="dmsys"
		-V SctTomcatPort="8080"
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