Table of Contents
A Serena Release Automation installation consists of the Serena Release Automation server (with a supporting database), and at least one agent. Typically, the server, database, and agents are installed on separate machines, although for a simple evaluation they can all be installed on the same machine. In addition, Java must be installed on all server machines.
For evaluation purposes, the supplied Derby database should be adequate and can be installed on the machine where the server is located. If you are installing Serena Release Automation in a production environment, Serena recommends the use one of the supported databases (Oracle Database (all versions), SQL Server, or MySQL).
Installation Steps
Review the system requirements. See the section called “System Requirements”.
Ensure that Java is installed on the server machines (and agent relay machine if used). All server and agent relay machines require Java JRE 5 or greater. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the directory you intend to use. A JDK can be used.
This step does not apply to agent machines because the agent installer installs a JRE.
Download the Serena Release Automation server and agent installation files from the Serena support portal (see the section called “Downloading Serena Release Automation”).
If you are installing an agent relay, download the agent relay installation files as well.
If you are not installing an evaluation version, install one of the supported databases. The database should be installed before the server and on a separate machine. See the section called “Database Installation”.
Complete database installation by configuring the appropriate JDBC driver (typically supplied by the database vendor).
Create an empty database for Serena Release Automation and at least one dedicated user account.
Install the server. See the section called “Server Installation”.
If you are using an agent relay, install the relay. See the section called “Installing Agent Relays”.
Finally, install at least one agent. See the section called “Agent Installation”.
For information about using the command line interface (CLI), see Command Line Client (CLI) Reference.
For information about running the installed items and accessing the Serena Release Automation web application, see the section called “Running Serena Release Automation”.