If you selected LDAP
, provide information about your LDAP installation:
Table 60. LDAP Authentication Realm Properties
Field | Description |
Context Factory
Context factory class used. This
may vary depending upon your Java implementation. The default for
Sun Java implementations: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
URL to the LDAP server beginning with ldap:// or ldaps://. Separate additional servers with spaces. |
Use DN Pattern
User directory entry pattern; the name will be substituted in place of 0 in the pattern, such as
User Search Base | Base directory used to execute group searches, such as ou=employees,dc=mydomain,dc=com.
User Search Filter
LDAP filter expression used when searching for user entries. The name will be substituted in place of 0 in the pattern, such as uid={0}. If this is not part of the DN pattern, wrap the value in parenthesis, such as ud=(0). |
Search User Subtree | If the LDAP user names are case sensitive, check the box to treat different-case names as different users. |
Search Connection DN
Directory name used to bind to LDAP for searches, such as cn=Manager,dc=mycompany,dc=com. If not
specified, an anonymous connection will be made. Required
if the LDAP server cannot be anonymously accessed.
Search Connection Password | Password used when connecting to LDAP to perform searches. |
Name Attribute | Contains the user's name, as set in LDAP. |
Email Attribute | Contains the user's email address, as set in LDAP. |
Once configuration is complete, when a new user logs on using
their LDAP credentials, they will be listed on the Authentication Realm Users
pane. It is best practice
not to manage user passwords nor remove users from the list. If an active
user is removed from Serena Release Automation, they will still be able to log onto the server
as long as their LDAP credentials are valid.