Document Conventions

This book uses the following special conventions:.

  • Program listings, code fragments, and literal examples are
    presented in this typeface.
  • Product navigation instructions are provided like this:

    Home > Components > [selected component] > Versions > [selected version] > Add a Status [button]

    This example, which explains how to add a status to a component version, means: from the Serena Release Automation home page click the Components tab (which displays the Components pane); select a component (which displays a pane with information for the selected component); click the Versions tab (which displays a pane with information about the selected version); and click the Add a Status button.

  • User interface objects, such as field and button names, are displayed with initial Capital Letters.

  • Variable text in path names or user interface objects is displayed in italic text.

  • Information you are supposed to enter is displayed in this format.

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