Connecting Process Steps

Connections control process flow. The originating step will process before the target step. Creating a connection between steps is a simple process; drag a connection from the originating step to the target step. Connections are formed one at a time between two steps, the originating step and the target step.

To create a connection:

  1. Hover your mouse pointer over the step that you want to use as the connection's origin.

    The pointer changes to the connection tool.

    Figure 34. Connection Tool

    Connection Tool

  2. Drag the connection tool over the target step.

    When the target step is highlighted, release the mouse to create a connection.

    Figure 35. Dragging the Connection Over a Target Step

    Dragging the Connection Over a Target Step

  3. Release the connection tool over the target step to complete the connection.

    Figure 36. Completed Connection

    Completed Connection

    Each connection has a connection delete tool, conditional flag, and might have others depending on the originating step. Remove a connection by clicking on the delete tool.

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