Importing Applications

When you import an application, you can create an entirely new application or upgrade an existing one. Components—including their properties and processes—associated with the application are also imported (if available to the importing server). For information about templates associated with imported components, see the section called “Importing/Exporting Components”.


If imported components have the Import Versions Automatically parameter set to true, Serena Release Automation will automatically import component versions as long as the artifacts are accessible to the importing server.

To Import an Application
  1. Display the Import Application dialog (Applications > Import Application [button]).

  2. Enter the path to the JSON file containing the application definition or use the Browse button to select one.

  3. If you want to upgrade an existing application, check the Upgrade Application check box. To create a new application, leave the box unchecked.

    If the application's name in the JSON file (not the name of the file itself) matches an existing application, the application's parameters are updated with new values, and new items—such as processes, environments, and components—are added. If the name is not found, the command has no effect.


    The application's name is the first parameter in the JSON file; for example,

    "name": "helloWorldApplication",


  4. Specify how imported components should be handled with the Component Upgrade Type drop-down box. For these options, the components must be on the importing server.

    • To use the same components used by the imported application, select Use Existing Component. The new application will contain references to the imported applications components. This option is especially useful if you are importing a lot of applications.

      If you are upgrading, the application will use the imported components, and no longer use any not used by the imported application.

    • To create new components based on those used by the imported application, select Create New Component. New components will be created (based on the imported application's components).

      If you are upgrading, the application will use the newly created components and no longer use any it previously used.

    • When you want to create a fresh installation, select Fail if Component Exists. If you are creating an application, it will create both a new application and component unless the component already exists, in which case the application is not imported.

      If you are upgrading, the upgrade will fail if any imported components already exist on the importing server.

    • To ensure a component is on the importing server, select Fail if Component Does Not Exist. If you are creating an application, it will create both a new application and component unless the component does not exist, in which case the application is not imported.

      If you are upgrading, the upgrade will fail if an imported component does not already exist on the importing server.

    • To upgrade existing components, select Upgrade if Exists. This option creates an application and upgrades existing components with data from the imported application.

      If you are upgrading and existing components match imported ones (all must match), the components will be upgraded. If none of the imported components match existing ones, the imported components will be used.

  5. Click Submit.

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