These roles determine which parts of the Serena Release Automation web application users can access. Each tab, such as Reports, on the web application's home page can be restricted. Available permissions are:
Table 61. Web UI Permissions
Permission | Description |
Resources | Access the Resources tab.
Applications | Access the Applications tab.
Components | Access the Components tab.
Configuration | Access the Configuration tab.
Reports | Access the Reports tab.
Deployment Calendar | Access the Calendar tab.
Work Items | Access the Work Items tab.
Settings | Access the Settings tab.
Dashboard | Access the Dashboard tab.
To add users to Web UI roles:
Display the System Security tab (
Settings > Security > Security)
. (For resource groups:Resources > Resource Groups > [Edit Group action] > Security
).All defined roles are displayed.
Use the Add Role Member action for a specific role, then select the user.
All users are available. As shipped, Serena Release Automation provides the following roles:
Table 62. Default Web UI Roles
Role | Description |
Deployment Engineer | Access the Reports, Calendar, Work Items, and Dashboard tabs.
Approver | Access the Reports, Work Items, and Dashboard tabs.
Administrator | Access all tabs.
Configuration Engineer | Access all tabs except Calendar and Work Items.