Post-Processing Scripts

Serena Release Automation component processes perform post-processing whenever a plug-in step finishes execution. Typically, post-processing scripts ensure that expected results occurred. You can use your own JavaScript script instead by instructing Serena Release Automation to use your script when you define the step. See the section called “Process Editor”.

When a step finishes, the agent performing the step will run your script (the script must be written in JavaScript). When the agent runs the script, it first loads the server log file and finds the exit code property of the target step using regular expressions defined in the script. It then applies any actions defined in the script before processing the next step.

To create a script:

  1. Display the Edit Script dialog (Settings > Post Processing Scripts).

  2. Enter a name for the script into the Name field. The name must match the name you specified when you defined the process step. See the section called “Process Editor”.

  3. Enter or paste the script into the Script Body field. See the roll-over help next to the field for information about the properties and variables available for user-defined scripts.

The Serena Release Automation server log file is normally found in the following location: Serena Release Automation_root\var\log\deployserver.out.

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