Installing Agent Relays

An agent relay is a communication proxy for agents that are located behind a firewall or in another network location. As long as there is at least a low bandwidth WAN connection between the server and remote agents, the Serena Release Automation server can send work to agents located in other geographic locations via the relay. An agent relay requires that only a single machine in the remote network contact the server. Other remote agents communicate with the server by using the agent relay. All agent-server communication from the remote network goes through the relay.

You can download the agent relay installation package from the Serena support portal--Supportal. Before installing, ensure that:

  • Java 1.5.0 or later is installed.

  • The server with which the relay will connect is already installed.

  • The user account and password created during server installation is available.

To install an agent relay:

  1. Expand the compressed installation file.

  2. From within the expanded agent-relay-install directory run the install.cmd script.

  3. The installation program will prompt you for the following information. Any default values suggested by the program (displayed within brackets) can be accepted by simply pressing Enter. If two options are given, such as Y/n, the capitalized option is the default value.

    Table 11. Agent Relay Configuration

    Parameter Description
    Directory where you would like to install the agent relay Enter the directory where you want the agent relay installed.
    Java home Directory where Java is installed. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to this directory.
    Name of this relay Enter the name of the agent relay. Each relay must have a unique name. The default name is agent-relay.
    IP or hostname which this agent relay should use Enter the IP or hostname on which the relay will listen.
    Port which this agent relay should proxy HTTP requests on Enter the port on which the agent relay should listen for HTTP requests coming from agents. The default value is 20080.
    Port which this agent relay should use for communication. Enter the port on which the agent relay will use for JMS-based communications with remote agents. The default value is 7916.
    Connect the agent relay to a central server? Specify whether you want the relay to connect to the Serena Release Automation server.
    IP or hostname of your central server If you indicated that you want to connect the relay to the server, enter the IP or host name where the relay can contact the server.
    Port which the central server uses for communication If you indicated that you want to connect the relay to the server, enter the port the server uses to communicate with agents. The default value is 7918.
    Use secure communication between the agent, relay and server?

    Specify whether you want to use SSL security for communications between server, relay, and remote agents. The default value is Y.


    To use the relay, you must answer yes. Answering yes activates SSL security for HTTP- and JMS-based communications. If you answer no, the relay will not be able to communicate with the server (which uses JMS for most communications).

    Use mutual authentication between the agent, relay and server. If mutual authentication is required, enter Y. See the section called “SSL Configuration” for information about activating mutual authentication.
    Install the Agent Relay as Windows service? If you are installing the relay on Windows, you can install it as a Windows service. The default value is N.

If you need to modify the relay, you can edit these properties in the file located in the relay_installation\conf directory.

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