Platform Considerations

Serena Release Automation agents are platform agnostic, and can be installed on anything that provides a Java 1.5 JDK. The server process is also platform agnostic. Our customer base includes large Serena Release Automation installations on Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, other Unix flavors and various Linux platforms, all running successfully.

We have seen somewhat better performance from Unix and Linux operating systems, but recommend installing on the platform with which you are most familiar and comfortable.

Recommended Server Installation
  • Two server-class machines

    Serena recommends two machines for the server: a primary machine and a standby for fail-over. In addition, the database should be hosted on a separate machine.

  • Separate machine for the database

  • Processor 2-4 CPUs, 2+ cores for each.

  • RAM 8 GB

  • Storage Individual requirements depend on usage, retention policies, and application types. In general, the larger number of artifacts kept in Serena Release Automation's artifact repository (CodeStation), the more storage needed.

  • Network Gigabit (1000) Ethernet with low-latency to the database.

Agent Minimum Requirements

Designed to be minimally intrusive, agents require 64-256 MB of memory and 100 MB of disk space. Additional requirements are determined by the processes the agent will run. Agents should be installed on separate machines. For evaluation purposes, a good option is to install an agent on a virtual machine.

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