File Storage—CodeStation

The data tier also provides log file and Codestation artifact storage. Artifacts represent deployable items such as files, images, databases, configuration materials, or anything else associated with a software project. By default, these are stored in the var subdirectory in the Serena Release Automation server installation directory. In an enterprise environment, the default installation might not be ideal, see the section called “Relocating Codestation” for a discussion about enterprise options.

Serena Release Automation's secure and tamper-proof artifact repository ensures that deployed components are identical to those tested in preproduction environments. Without the repository, artifacts would have to be pulled from network shares or some other system, increasing both security risks and the potential for error.

The artifact repository uses content addressable storage to maximize efficiency while minimizing disk use. The repository tracks file versions and maintains a complete history for all components. Maximizing efficiency is important, since the artifact repository stores files that are much larger than source files. Association of files with Components is built into the system. Without any configuration, each Component gets its own area of the repository for its files. There is no chance of confusion or mix-up of files to Components. And, each Component Package is mapped to a specific set of files and versions corresponding to the Component.

The artifact repository comes with a client application that provides remote access to the repository. Using the client, the user can add/modify files, create Packages, retrieve files, as well as view the history of changes. The client application provides a file transfer capability that can be used to deliver files to target servers during deployments. This built-in transfer mechanism verifies the integrity of all transferred files against their expected cryptographic signatures, thus guaranteeing that files have not been corrupted during transmission or tampered with during storage. In addition to the client application, the artifact repository exposes REST-based web services. These services are used to build integrations between build systems such as AnthillPro and Serena Release Automation. Such integrations automatically place the artifacts produced by the build process in the artifact repository, thus making the artifacts available for deployment.

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