Steps for Importing From a Tracker Database

To import data from a Serena Tracker project to an SBM database:

  1. From a machine on which the Tracker Administrator is installed and from which you can perform Tracker server administration, launch the SBM System Administrator.
    Tip: If you intend to use SBM System Administrator on a machine other than the machine on which the Tracker Administrator is installed, install SBM System Administrator on the Tracker machine and be sure that you can connect to the SBM database via an ODBC connection. You can then run the Import Data Wizard and later uninstall the SBM System Administrator.
  2. Connect to the SBM database to which you would like to import data. The Connect dialog box can be opened by selecting Connect from the File menu or by clicking the Connect toolbar button.
  3. Launch the Import Data Wizard. For details, refer to Using the Import Data Wizard.
  4. Create, modify, or execute an Import Option Set. For details, refer to Working With Import Option Sets.
  5. Select a Tracker database as your import source. For details, refer to Selecting the Import Data Source.
  6. Connect to the Tracker source project. For details, refer to Connecting to the Tracker Import Source.
  7. Select a predefined Tracker query to filter data you want to import. For details, refer to Specifying Tracker Queries for Importing Data.
  8. Specify a destination for Tracker data. For details, refer to Specifying a Destination for Data.
  9. Map fields in the source Tracker database to fields in the receiving database or specify constant values for data in imported fields. For details, refer to:
  10. Specify whether previously imported data should be overwritten or left unmodified and whether additional data should be imported. For details, refer to Specifying Additional Options for Tracker Data Imports.
  11. Save your Import Option Set. For details, refer to Saving Your Import Option Set.
  12. Execute your Import Option Set. For details, refer to Executing Import Options Sets.
  13. Refer to the log file for the Import Option Set you imported. For details, refer to Import Data Log Information.