Importing Data Into Your Database → Using the Import Data Wizard → Mapping External Source Fields to SBM Fields → Mapping Field Values for Selection and User Fields
The Options: How to Map Field Values dialog box enables you to specify user mapping for User and Multi-User fields and to specify value mapping for Single Selection and Multi-Selection fields. The Import Data Wizard can attempt to match user and selection values during import or you can map values that exist in both databases. This dialog box is available only for imports from TeamTrack, SBM, or Tracker databases.
When you map values for Single Selection, Multi-Selection, User, and Multi-User fields, consider the following information:
To ensure User field values are correctly attributed to the corresponding user account, carefully review all user mapping before you import data.
The value mapping you specify for an Import Option Set overrides any other mapping. For example, if you have previously imported data with specific value mapping, value mapping in a subsequent import replaces previously mapped data.
You can map multiple source values onto an SBM value. When data is imported, each instance of the source value is replaced by the mapped value.
When you map the first User or Multi-User field for an Import Option Set, the Options: How to Map Field Values dialog box opens automatically, allowing you to define user mapping for this option set. This user mapping overrides any previously established user mapping in the database and applies during this import only.
If a User or Multi-User field selection is not found in the receiving database, a user account is created with the following attributes, if available in the original database:
All information on the General tab of the Edit User dialog box.
Most user preferences.
The following information and options are available on the Options: How to Map Field Values dialog box:
Destination Field – Indicates the SBM field and field type you are mapping to.
Source Field(s) – Indicates the source field you are mapping data from. If you are mapping to a Multi-Selection or Multi-User field, all fields mapped to the SBM field are listed.
Attempt To Match Text Title Values During Import, Creating New Values When Necessary – Select this option to allow the Import Data Wizard to match values based on text values in both databases. If identical text matches are not found, new values are added. This option should also be selected if mapped fields in your receiving database do not contain selection values. In this case, source field selected values in items you are importing are added as selections in the SBM field. For example, if a Choice field in a source database contains three possible values (A, B, or C), and items in this database have two values (A and B) selected as values, A and B are added as selections for the field in the receiving database.
Match Using IDs, Using the Value Mapping Provided Below – Select this option to specify value mapping as follows:
Source Field Values – This left-pane column lists all selection values for the source field.
Destination Field Value – This column lists all selection values for the SBM field you are mapping to. If this column is empty, you must select the Attempt To Match Text Title Values During Import, Creating New Values When Necessary option.
Source Field Value – This right-pane column lists source field values mapped to SBM field values.
Map – To map values, select a source value and a destination value, and then click Map.
Unmap - To unmap fields, select a mapped value in the right pane, and then click Unmap.
Map All – Click this button to quickly match all source values with identical destination values.
After mapping source values to destination values, click Next to continue.
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