Tip Conflict Options Tab

Use this tab to specify what action to take when you are checking in or updating an item and Dimensions CM has detected that there are other revisions that need to be merged with it.



Rules and Guidelines

Check for tip conflicts when checking-in or updating items

Select this option if you want Dimensions CM to perform a check for branch conflicts when you attempt to check in or update an item.

If DM_DISABLE_BRANCH_CHECKINS has been set in the DM.CFG file, this option will be selected and read-only.

For details of how to set this parameter, see the System Administration Guide.

Merge conflicts with my changes and check in/update the item.

Select this option to invoke the PVCS Merge Tool. The files will be merged to a temporary file and the temporary file will be used for the check in.


Update my local workfile content after merging.

Select this option to overwrite the files in your work area with the merged files after checking them in.

If this option is not set, the files in your work area will remain as they were before the check in/update and the temporary file will be discarded once the check in is complete.

Only enabled if you have selected Merge conflicts with my changes and check in/update the item.

Merge conflicts with my workfiles; I’ll check-in/update the item later

Select this option to invoke the default merge tool and have the merged file overwrite the file in your work area, but not be checked in to the repository.

If you selected this option and attempt to check in or update the file later, the local metatada will have recorded that a merge was performed. Dimensions CM will check whether there have been any subsequent changes in the repository, and if not, and check in or update the merged file (without invoking the default merge tool). If there have been changes in the repository, the Serena Merge Tool will be invoked.

Do not perform an interactive merge but check-in/update my changes as the tip

Select this option to check in the version of the file in your work area as the tip revision without invoking the default merge tool.


Ignore the conflict and continue with the check-in/update

Select this option to check in the version of the file in your work area as a tip revision on the selected branch without invoking the default merge tool.

This option does not appear if your administrator has set the symbol DM_DISABLE_BRANCH_CHECKINS in the DM.CFG file. For details, see the System Administration Guide.

Perform merge silently

Select this option if you do not want the merge tool to be displayed when there are no conflicting lines in the files being merged.


Keep backups made of my workfile(s) prior to merging

Select this option if you want a backup of your workfile to be created when the content of the workfile has been overwritten as a result of the merge.

The backup copy will have the original file name appended with the string ".premerge_<date_time>, for example the backup for bonus_spec.doc might be bonus_spec.doc.premerge_2007081611_115203.

These backup copies are created in your temporary file location and will remain on disk until you delete them.

On check-in/update, assume the settings above and do not show the warning dialog

Select this option if you do not want the Tip Conflicts dialog box to be displayed when a conflict is detected.

If this option is not set, the Tip Conflicts dialog box will be displayed when a tip conflict is detected, enabling you to change the options listed under If conflicts are detected, default to: at that point.


Related Topics

Setting Miscellaneous Options

Preferences Dialog Box

Display Fonts Tab

Editors Tab

Associations Tab

Miscellaneous Tab

User Interface Tab

Personal Library Cache Tab

Personal Library Cache Tab

Use this tab to provide faster access to repository files by removing network transfers when the same revision has been previously fetched to a work station. Personal Library Cache (PLCD) makes a local copy in a cache directory of items downloaded from, and uploaded to, Dimensions CM. This speeds up transfers when fetching the same revision more than once, for example, fetching a baseline or a patch, or overwriting unwanted changes by restoring revisions.



Rules and Guidelines

Enable Personal Library Cache

Select to enable PLCD.

Default: on


Specify the location of the cache directory on your local machine.


Maximum cache size

Specify the maximum size of the PLCD directory.

When this directory reaches this size, earlier revisions of items are deleted to make more space.

Related Topics

Setting Miscellaneous Options

Preferences Dialog Box

Display Fonts Tab

Editors Tab

Associations Tab

Miscellaneous Tab

User Interface Tab

Tip Conflict Options Tab