Miscellaneous Tab

Use the Miscellaneous tab to define settings for properties such as default file content and drag-and-drop.

Miscellaneous Tab



Rules and Guidelines

Command line

This option is from a prior version of Dimensions CM and is no longer functional.


Auto refresh

Select to refresh all desktop client display areas when a command line operation has been completed.


Save current filter set automatically

Select to save the current filter automatically when you click OK or Find Now in Find dialog boxes.


Run batch operations in the background


This functionality is no longer used.

Append multi-valued Attributes

Select to add new values to existing ones for multi-valued attributes.

If this field is deselected, any values you enter for a multi-valued attribute replace the existing values.

Default File Content

Select Binary or Text as the default content type.

The default is Binary.

This field is used when Dimensions CM cannot find a "object type to content type" mapping in the Dimensions CM database or in the Preferences dialog box.

This default also applies to command line and Run dialog box operations.

Delegate Request

Select Delegate Related Items Automatically if you want the Delegate Request dialog box to delegate items related to the request by default.

This is unset by default.

Drag and Drop

Select Perform operations silently if no user input is required to hide the Relationship dialog box during drag and drop operations.

Select Always enable user input to show the Relationship dialog box.

The default is Always enable user input.

Item Operations

Select Automatically Map User File to Project File to set project filenames for new items to the filename in your work area.

Select Automatically Overwrite Files to allow Get Item and Check Out Item to automatically overwrite existing writable files with the same name.

Read-only files are overwritten regardless of the setting of Automatically Overwrite Files.

The Check Out and Get dialog boxes have their own Automatically Overwrite Files check boxes, whose default value is set here.

New requests to be addressed in current project

Select this option if you want any new requests that you create to be automatically related to the current project.


Related Topics

Setting Miscellaneous Options

Preferences Dialog Box

Display Fonts Tab

Editors Tab

Associations Tab

User Interface Tab

Tip Conflict Options Tab

Personal Library Cache Tab