Upgrading from Serena Release Manager v2.0 to v2.1

If you need to upgrade Serena Release Manager from and to earlier versions, please see the documentation for your version of Serena Release Manager for recommended steps.



IMPORTANT!  If you upgrade SBM to a version that is not supported by your version of Serena Release Manager, Serena Release Manager will no longer function properly. Please see the supported platforms for your version of Serena Release Manager as instructed in Software Compatibility Requirements.

You can upgrade Serena Release Manager from version 2.0 to version 2.1 using the following steps.



NOTE  Path names in these instructions are examples. The names on your system may be slightly different, in particular for drive, operating system level and 32 or 64-bit choices, and build numbers.



1: Backup

Back up data and product files. (Optional)

It is a good practice to snapshot your system or back up existing files and data before beginning the upgrade.

  1. At minimum, you should back up the data as follows:

    1. Copy the files from the Serena Common Web services rlm\WEB-INF\classes folder, for example C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\6.0\
      , to a temporary folder.

    2. Backup your SBM database.

  2. For an easier restoration if necessary, back up the product directories:

    1. Copy the Serena Common Web services webapps folder, for example C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\6.0\
      , to a temporary folder.

    2. Copy the Serena\Solutions\Release Control folder, for example C:\Program Files\Serena\Solutions\Release Control, to a temporary folder.

2: Copy the Upgrade Package

Copy the upgrade package to the Release Control folder.

  1. Delete the contents of the Serena\Solutions\Release Control folder. For example:

    C:\Program Files\Serena\Solutions\Release Control 

  2. Copy the upgrade package, for example RC3.3-Win32-Upgrade.zip, to a temporary folder.

  3. Extract the upgrade package to the Serena\Solutions\Release Control folder.

  4. The following files should now appear under the Release Control folder:

  • com.serena.rlm.sbm.shell.zip

  • solution file: for example, RLM_Solution_Pack-2.1.032.sln

  • war files

  • rlm.war

  • almzmf.war

  • almzmfalf.war

  • almzmfws.war

3: Configure Web Services

Configure the Web services files in the Serena Common Tomcat Web server.

  1. Select Start | Administrative Tools | Services and stop the Serena Common Tomcat service.

  2. Navigate to the Serena Common Tomcat webapps folder. For example:

    C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\6.0\webapps

  3. Delete the following folders under the webapps folder:





  4. Delete the following war files under the webapps folder, if present:





  5. From the Release Control folder where you extracted them in a preceding step, copy all of the war files to the Serena Common Tomcat webapps folder. For example:

    C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\6.0\webapps

  6. Restart the Serena Common Tomcat service.

This war file contents are automatically extracted to new directories in that location. You should now see the following directories under webapps:





4: Copy the Solution File

Copy the solution file that contains the Serena Release Manager process apps and all related orchestrations, reports, and tables.

  1. From the Release Control folder, copy the solution pack .sln file, such as RLM_Solution_Pack-2.1.032.sln, to the SBM WEB-INF\solutions folder. For example:

C:\Program Files\Serena\SBM\Common\jboss405\server\

5: Install the Shell Template

Install the shell user interface and report templates.

  1. Extract the com.serena.rlm.sbm.shell.zip file directly to the SBM Application Engine folder. For example:

    C:\Program Files\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\

    The files in the zip file should extract to the appropriate directory structure. For any conflicts, select the option to replace with the newer versions.

    Verify the extraction by looking at the dates of the files in the template\shell\rlm folder, for example C:\Program Files\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\template\shell\rlm. The files should have the date close to that of the upgrade package you used.

  2. From SBM System Administrator, select File | Put Files Into Database. Confirm when prompted.

This puts the UI shell files into the SBM database.

6: Import the Solution

Import the Release Manager solution.

  1. Log into the SBM Application Repository as an SBM administrative user.

  2. Navigate to the Solutions tab and import the solution. For example:


See Importing the Serena Release Control Solution.

7: Promote the Snapshots

Promote the snapshots.

  1. Navigate to the Process App Snapshots tab.

  2. In SBM Application Repository, promote the snapshots. When promoting the snapshots, make sure to select the endpoints as needed, and make sure the endpoints are authenticated with Security Token.

  • Release Train

  • Application Release

  • Release Package


  • Deployment

  • Environment

  • ReleaseTemplate

IMPORTANT!  Make sure to check for any warnings after you have promoted the snapshots. For information on analyzing warnings or errors, see Snapshot Promotion Errors.

For detailed instructions see Promoting the Snapshots.

8: Deploy the Process Apps

Deploy the process apps.

  1. After the Serena Release Manager process apps are promoted to the correct environment, you must deploy the process apps from within SBM Composer. This validates the target endpoints prior to deployment to ensure that your environment is correctly configured.

    To redeploy the process apps:

    1. In SBM Composer, publish each of the Serena Release Manager process apps.

    2. After successfully publishing each process app, deploy each of the process apps.

See Publishing and Deploying the Process Apps.

NOTE  Follow the guidelines in the SBM documentation to deploy the Serena Release Manager process apps.

9: Reconfigure the Port

If you are changing the port on which the Serena Common Tomcat runs, reconfigure Serena Release Manager to use the new port number. See Configuring Release Manager to Use a Different Port.

10: Set Privileges

Set privileges for the administrative user to the Serena Release Control objects, such as projects, reports, and tables. See Configuring the Administrative User Privileges.

11: Enable Roles

Enable roles for Serena Release Control projects and verify that Serena Release Manager is activated.

  1. Ensure roles are enabled for all Serena Release Control projects.

    See Enabling Serena Release Control Project Roles.

  2. Verify that Serena Release Manager is activated by entering the URL in your Web browser. For example:


12: Configure the Dashboard

Configure the Dashboard page if needed and clear the Web browser and template caches.

  1. If your Dashboard page does not appear with the multi-view dashboard report, configure the dashboard. See Configuring the Dashboard Page.

  2. Clear and refresh your Web browser cache to ensure that saved shell elements are no longer saved in your Web browser.

    1. To clear the cache, choose the option in your browser to delete history and select cache from the options given.

    2. To refresh the template cache, enter the following URL in your browser:



where hostname is your Serena Release Manager host server name.

13: Update the Registry

Update the registry to ensure the proper version of Serena Release Control is registered for future reference. (Optional)

  1. Manually update the key as follows:

    1. Edit the registry with a program such as Regedit.

    2. View the following key:


    3. Modify DisplayVersion by changing the Value data entry to 3.3.0.

NOTE  This registry location has all the information that you will see in Windows Add/Remove programs and Programs and Features.

14: Complete the Configuration

Configure the system, application objects, and providers as needed. See System Activation and Configuration, Configuration and Administration of the Integrating Objects, and Provider Configuration.

Changes for this release include the following:

  • The ZMF war files have been renamed as follows:

zmf to almzmf

zmfws to almzmfws

zmfalf to almzmfalf

  • The properties for the clients and providers have been divided into two properties files: typically connection properties in <product>-client-connection.properties and settings specific to the client in <product>-client.properties. The connection file values may be set using the Serena Release Manager Configurator or updated manually.

CAUTION!  If you choose to restore values from configuration files you backed up, you should copy only your implementation-specific values into specific parameters to ensure that you don’t introduce errors. These files have changed significantly in this release, so restoring by copying and replacing entire files is not recommended.