Importing the Serena Release Control Solution

The Serena Release Control application is packaged as an SBM solution. Included in the solution are the following:

The following procedures are included to guide you through the Serena Release Manager-specific configuration process. For complete documentation on process apps, see the Serena Business Manager Application Repository Guide.

To use the application, you must import the solution into SBM as follows:

  1. Select Start | All Programs | Serena | Serena Business Manager | SBM Application Repository.

  2. Enter your login details.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Solutions.

  4. The Serena Release Manager solution pack is listed. For example:


  5. Click Import to import the solution file and extract the solution's snapshots and process apps.

    The Import Solution dialog box appears, explaining which snapshots and process apps will be imported with the solution.

  6. Click OK.

    The solution is now listed under Imported solutions.

  7. Select the solution name and then click Open Snapshots to verify that the following process app snapshots are listed: