Service Catalog

The Catalog tab contains the Service Catalog view. The service catalog is a collection of IT services defined by an IT administrator. For information on configuration, see Defining Categories.

Service requests are organized into categories. Users see categories based on their privileges for submitting service requests assigned to categories.

To navigate between the categories, select the category icons in the ribbon bar. When a category is selected, service requests assigned to that category appear. Detailed information for a particular service request appears when users click the summary.

Users open a service request form by clicking on the title.

Users can also search for a service request title by typing a keyword in the search field. The search supports the asterisk (*) wildcard. For example, searching for serv* returns entries that contain server or service.

You can organize service requests so that they appear in the Favorite, Featured, and What's New sections on the Catalog tab.

Note: A service request is submitted into the project that is associated with it. If a user submits a request into the wrong project, service desk staff can move the request into the correct one.