Getting Started with the SBM User Workspace → Personalizing the SBM User Workspace → Working with Your User Profile → Subscribing to Notifications
The Notifications tab enables you to subscribe to e-mail notifications set up by your administrator. You must have privileges to view and set notification subscriptions, and your administrator must allow subscription for particular notifications in order for them to appear in the Notifications list.
The list of notifications to which you are subscribed contains those that you have subscribed to and those your administrator has subscribed you to. After you subscribe to notifications and save your user profile, the notifications are listed alphabetically when you return.
A list of available notifications, which is determined by your administrator. Notifications are listed in alphabetical order. To search for a notification, enter the notification name and press enter or click the search icon. Notifications to which you are subscribed are labeled as (Selected) in the Notifications list. To subscribe to a single notification, click the plus sign on the notification on the Notifications list. The notification appears in the Subscribed to list.
Select this check box if you want your e-mail notifications to contain links to the related item.
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