Getting Started with the SBM User Workspace → Personalizing the SBM User Workspace → Working with Your User Profile → Setting Advanced Options
Use the Advanced tab to delegate your primary items to another user, or log on as another user. The options available to you are based on your user privileges.
Click Edit to open out-of-office settings that enable you to delegate primary items to another user for a specific amount of time. Delegates must have privileges to own items in the projects selected for delegation.
For details, refer to Delegating Primary Items to Another User.
Users with appropriate privileges can search for another user in the system, and then log on to the SBM User Workspace as that user. This is convenient for troubleshooting problems reported by users. All changes that you make to items as another user are recorded in the Change History section for each item.
To log back in as yourself, search for and select your user name.
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