Searching for Items by ID

The Search by ID feature searches for primary items in selected application and items in auxiliary tables that you have privileges to view. Search by prefix, Item ID, or prefix and ID.

To find an item by prefix or Item ID:

  1. From the Search/Reports link, click the Search by ID link. The Search by ID form opens.
  2. The Search in Table box contains the primary table for the selected application and auxiliary tables for which you have privileges to view items. Select the table you want to search from the drop-down list.
  3. Type search criteria in one or both of the following text boxes:
    • Item Prefix – Type the prefix of the type of item for which you are searching. Search for item types defined with a prefix of BUG (for bug report) by typing BUG in the ID Prefix text box.

    • Item ID - Type the ID number of the item for which you are searching. You do not need to specify the ID Prefix or leading zeros on ID numbers. For example, if you are searching for BUG00017, type 17 to return the item.
      Note: The asterisk is a wildcard for both of these searching options, and matches zero or more consecutive characters. Leave the Prefix and Item ID boxes empty to return all items in a specified table and project.
  4. If searching for primary items, select the project you want to search from the Project(s) list. Use your mouse and the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple projects in the list. If you select an auxiliary table, then select a project from the hierarchy, there is no effect on the search because these tables are not project-related.
  5. Select the Include subprojects check box to include all sub-projects in the query.
  6. In the Status area, select one of the following options:
    • Active – search for active items in the selected tables.

    • Inactive – search for inactive items in the selected tables.

    • Both – search for active and inactive items in the selected tables.

  7. Return options apply to primary items. Select the Items I Own check box to search for items you currently own. Select the Unowned Items check box to search for items that do not have an owner. Select both check boxes to search for items you own and items that do not have an owner. Clear both check boxes to disregard ownership in your search.
  8. Additional Constraints applies to primary items. Select the Items I Submitted check box to search for items you submitted.
  9. Click the Search (by ID) button at the top or bottom of the form to perform the search. The Search Results page displays the results of your search.

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