Importing Data Into Your Database → Importing Data from a Serena Tracker Project → Mapping Tracker Source Fields to SBM Fields → Using Solution Map Field Mapping
If you specified a converted or augmented solution on the Connect to Serena Tracker Source dialog box, the field mapping established by the Solution Wizard is available on the Map External Source Fields to Destination Fields dialog box. Before importing data, you should carefully review all provided mappings and modify them, map additional fields, or specify constant values as needed.
The following information applies to solution field mapping for specific fields and field types:
Owner – If your solution map was based on a solution created from a Tracker project, the Owner field is mapped to the SBM Owner field and the Tracker Owner field. Because values in the Owner field change as users transition items through a workflow, this allows historical data in the Tracker Owner field to be retained as items later change state. If your solution map is based on a non-Tracker augmented solution, the Owner field is mapped to the SBM Owner field. Because values in the Owner field change as users transition items through a workflow, map the Tracker Owner field to another User field in the receiving database so that historical data is retained when you import data.
Issue ID – You should review the mapping for the Issue ID field before importing data. The Issue ID field may or may not be mapped by the Solution Wizard. This mapping depends on the type of solution you created or augmented. If the Issue ID field is not mapped, imported items are assigned new issue IDs by default. To maintain historic Tracker issue IDs, you can map the Issue ID field to a Tracker ID field, but doing so may result in duplicate issue IDs in the destination database. One option for maintaining legacy Item IDs is to create a field in the receiving database to map the Tracker Issue ID field to.
Title – If your solution map was based on a solution created from a Tracker project, the Tracker Title field is mapped to the SBM Title field, which allows up to 255 characters. If your solution map was based on a non-Tracker augmented solution, the Tracker Title field is mapped to the SBM system Title field, which by default allows up to 80 characters. You may want to either update the system Title field to change the size to 255 characters, or add another field called Tracker Title that has a size of 255. (In the latter case, be sure to map the Tracker Title field to the new Title field in SBM and the system Title field during data imports. The custom Title field serves as a backup repository for title information in case the title is truncated in the 80-character system field.)
Issue Type – You should review the mapping for the Issue Type field before importing data. The Issue Type field may or may not be mapped by the Solution Wizard depending on how the solution was created and choices made on the Issue Type Information dialog box if you created a solution from a Tracker project. Issue Type selections created by the Solution Wizard contain three-character prefixes used to populate item IDs (for example, ENH00011). The Import Data Wizard does not create these prefixes, so you may want to verify that they exist for your Issue Type field selections before importing data.
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