Managing Projects → About State and Transition Configuration → Transition Types and Settings → General Transition Settings
The following information and options are available on the General page when you edit a transition.
Indicates the transition's display name.
Indicates the transition's originating state or decision.
Indicates the transition's destination state or decision.
Indicates the unique database name assigned to the transition. Use this name to reference the transition in scripts and Web service calls.
Indicates the transition's type. Quick transitions, which enable users to bypass forms, are also noted. For details, refer to Transition Types.
Indicates whether the transition is enabled or disabled for the project. Transition status is always inherited from the workflow.
Indicates the form used for this transition. By default, the form inherited from the workflow or project is used. You can override this default form for individual transitions. Quick Form indicates that the built-in form will be used; other forms are custom forms created in SBM Composer. For details, refer to Overriding Forms for Transitions.
Indicates whether an attachment is required to complete the transition. The type of attachment is also specified.
Shows the description for the transition that was provided in SBM Composer. If provided, this information is shown to users who click Get help for this Application or Get help for this Form on items that use this workflow.
(Submit transitions only) – Enables you to inherit, enable, or disable the Allow submit on behalf of another user transition option found in SBM Composer. The options are:
(Regular transitions only) – Enables you to inherit, enable, or disable the Update Submitter option found in SBM Composer. The options are:
Use these options to override authentication settings applied for the transition in SBM Composer. Transitions that require authentication prompt users to enter their login ID and password before they can complete the transition. If you specify a Date/Time field, the authentication option is recorded in the Change History section. For details on configuring transition authentication, refer to Overriding Transition Authentication Options.
Select this check box to override authentication settings set in SBM Composer.
Select this check box to require users to provide a login ID and password before they can complete the transition.
Select a Date/Time field used to record the action in the Change History section. You can choose from Date/Time fields set to display date and time or date only.
By default, the post project for Copy, Post, and Subtask transitions is set to "Select at Runtime." This enables users to select a project to submit a new item created by the post, copy, or subtask action. You can override this setting, however, to open a Submit form for a specific project submit when users execute a transition of one of these types.
For details, refer to Overriding Post Project Settings.
Indicates the table to which items will be posted or copied. If the transition posts to an auxiliary table, the Post Item Project options are disabled.
Indicates the type of item links specified for the transition in SBM Composer.
Select this check box to override the post settings specified in SBM Composer.
Select this option to enable users to select from an applicable list of projects to post or copy items.
Select this option to open a Submit form for the project selected in the project list. You may need to expand the project list to include projects that allow submits before this option is enabled.
With the Select Project option selected, you can select a project from the list. You may need to expand the list to find the project you need.
Applicable to External Post transitions only, this setting indicates the external database to which items are posted when this transition is executed. For details, refer to the Configuring Cross-database Posting section of the SBM System Administrator Guide.
You can override Time Capture settings for transitions in a specific project as long as the Time Capture feature is enabled for the project. For example, Time Capture may be turned on for a project, but required for a specific transition. For details, refer to Time Capture.
Time Capture options cannot be enabled for submit transitions.
Options are:
Displays Time Capture options on forms.
Hides Time Capture options on forms.
Inherits the setting from the system or a parent workflow or project.
With Time Capture options set to "on" and "visible" for transitions, you can choose to require users to enter time spent on an item when they execute a transition. This requirement is ignored for automated processes, such as Web services and scripts.
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