Overriding Post Project Settings


These options are only available for Post, Subtask, or Copy transitions that post to a primary table.

By default, the post-item project is set to Select at Runtime for Post, Subtask, or Copy transitions. This enables users to select the project to which they want to post an item. When users execute the transition, they are presented with a list of projects into which they have privileges to submit items.

In Application Administrator, you can configure Post, Subtask, or Copy transitions so that posted items are submitted into a specific project. In this case, users are presented with the Submit form for that project when they execute the transition.

Note: Users must be granted privileges to submit items into projects before they can post to them. If you allow users to select a project at runtime, grant submit privileges to specific projects to which users can post items.

To override post project settings for Copy, Post, and Subtask transitions:

  1. From the Projects view, select a project, and then click Details.
  2. Select the States/Transitions tab.
  3. Select a Post, Subtask, or Copy transition from the list, and then click Details.
  4. In the Post Item Project area, select the Override check box.
  5. Select the Select Project option.
  6. Select the project you want the copied or posted item to be added to from the project list. You may need to navigate to the project.
    Note: Only those projects for which users have submit privileges are available. In addition, projects must be set to allow new submits.
  7. Save your changes.