Dimensions RM  11.2.3
C:/0_Zero/0 RM Files/source/Web Services/rtmservice.h File Reference
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struct  xsd__base64Binary
 Contains the file buffer contents that are to be Base-64 encoded. More...
struct  ns__StringList
 Holds the information about list of strings. More...
struct  ns__NameValue
 Holds the information about a name/value pair. More...
struct  ns__NameValueList
 Holds information about a list of name/value pairs. More...
struct  ns__IdList
 Holds the information about list of ids. More...
struct  ns__FileAttachment
 Holds information about a file attachment. More...
struct  ns__DatabaseList
 Holds information about the list of databases. More...
struct  ns__ProjectList
 Holds information about the list of projects. More...
struct  ns__ProjectEx
 Holds information about the extended definition of a Dimensions RM class. More...
struct  ns__LinkClassDef
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM link class definition. More...
struct  ns__LinkClassDefList
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM linked class definition. More...
struct  ns__ProjectExList
 Holds information about the extended definition list of a Dimensions RM class. More...
struct  ns__ClassDef
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM class definition. More...
struct  ns__ClassDefList
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM class definition list. More...
struct  ns__ClassDefEx
 Holds information about the extended definition of a Dimensions RM class. More...
struct  ns__ClassDefExList
 Holds information about the extended definition list of a Dimensions RM class. More...
struct  ns__FormatDef
 Holds information about the Dimensions RM attribute format constraint. More...
struct  ns__AttributeDef
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM attribute definition. More...
struct  ns__AttributeDefList
 Holds information about the Dimensions RM attribute definition list. More...
struct  ns__AttributeDefEx
 Holds information about the extended definition of a Dimensions RM attribute. More...
struct  ns__AttributeDefExList
 Holds information about an extended definition of a Dimensions RM attribute list. More...
struct  ns__Requirement
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement. More...
struct  ns__RequirementOut
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement. More...
struct  ns__FindRequirementOut
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement. More...
struct  ns__RequirementList
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement list. More...
struct  ns__RequirementFindList
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement list. More...
struct  ns__SearchRequirement
 Search criteria about a Dimensions RM requirement. More...
struct  ns__ReplaceRequirementOut
struct  ns__ReplaceRequirementList
struct  ns__ObjectDef
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM object definition. More...
struct  ns__RequirementIdentifier
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement identifier. More...
struct  ns__RequirementIdentifierList
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM Requirement Identifier list. More...
struct  ns__Template
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM document template properties structure. More...
struct  ns__TemplateList
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM document template array return definition. More...
struct  ns__SystemInfo
 Holds information about the Dimensions RM system information properties structure. More...
struct  ns__Category
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM category properties structure. More...
struct  ns__CategoryEx
struct  ns__CategoryList
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM category array return definition. More...
struct  ns__CategoryReq
 Holds input information for create a new category. More...
struct  ns__CategoryResult
struct  ns__createCategoryResponse
struct  ns__CommandStatus
 Holds information about command status structure. More...
struct  ns__Link
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM link. More...
struct  ns__LinkList
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM link array return definition. More...
struct  ns__ApproveChangeRequestResult
struct  ns__RejectChangeRequestResult
struct  ns__RtmDocumentProperties
 Holds information about a Dimensions RM document properties structure. More...
struct  ns__RtmDocSnapshot
 Holds input for CreateRtmDocSnapshot method. More...
struct  ns__RtmDocSnapshotOut
struct  ns__StatusMessage
 Holds information about a status message. More...
struct  ns__StatusMessageList
 Holds information about status message array return definition. More...
struct  ns__CollectionList
 Holds information about a list of collection names. More...
struct  ns__CollectionEx
 Holds information about a detailed collection structure. More...
struct  ns__CollectionExList
 Holds information about a list of collections from Dimensions RM Web services. More...
struct  ns__CollectionTransferRules
 Holds transfer rules for a collection. More...
struct  ns__CollectionTransferRulesEx
struct  ns__CollectionEx2
 Holds information about a detailed collection structure. More...
struct  ns__CollectionEx2List
 Holds information about a list of collections from Dimensions RM Web services. More...
struct  ns__CreateCollectionEx
 Holds information about a detailed collection structure. More...
struct  ns__CmdStatus
struct  ns__RtmDocument
struct  ns__RtmDocumentOut
struct  ns__RtmDocumentList
struct  ns__runTestAsyncInputData
struct  ns__SyncXrefLink
struct  ns__SyncXrefLinkList
struct  ns__LoginExResultInfo
struct  ns__LoginExResult
struct  ns__LoginResult
struct  ns__LoginByProjectIdResult
struct  ns__LogoutResult
struct  ns__FileAttachmentResult
struct  ns__CreateObjectResult
struct  ns__CreateObjectExResult
struct  ns__ReadObjectResult
struct  ns__ReadObjectExResult
struct  ns__CreateObjectWithAttachmentResult
struct  ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachmentResult
struct  ns__UpdateObjectResult
struct  ns__UpdateObjectExResult
struct  ns__ReplaceObjectResult
struct  ns__ReplaceObjectExResult
struct  ns__ReadObjectAttachmentResult
struct  ns__SystemInfoResult
struct  ns__CreateTemplateResponse
struct  ns__DeleteTemplateResponse
struct  ns__CreateRtmDocumentResult
struct  ns__CreateRtmDocumentResponse
struct  ns__DeleteRtmDocumentResponse
struct  ns__AppendRtmDocumentResult
struct  ns__AppendRtmDocumentResponse
struct  ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse
struct  ns_chapterDetails
struct  ns__addObjectToCollectionResponse
struct  ns__addObjectToCollectionResponseResult
struct  ns__GetCollectionByNameResult
struct  ns__GetCollectionByIdResult
struct  ns__CreateCollectionResponseResult
struct  ns__getAsyncStatusResponse
struct  ns__getAsyncStatusResponseResult
struct  ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResponse
struct  ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResult
struct  ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResponse
struct  ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResult
struct  ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResponse
struct  ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResult
struct  ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResponse
struct  ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResult
struct  ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResponse
struct  ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResult
struct  ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResponse
struct  ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResult
struct  ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByIdResult
struct  ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByNameResult
struct  ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshotResult
struct  ns__runTestAsyncResponseData
struct  ns__runTestAsyncResponse
struct  ns__testAsyncStatusResponse
struct  ns__runTestAsyncResponseResult
struct  ns__getTestAsyncStatusResponseResult
struct  ns__CreateBaselineResult
struct  ns__DeleteBaselineResult
struct  ns__CMNotificationsResult
struct  ns__ObjectDetails
struct  ns__ObjectDetailsList
struct  ns__RelationWithObjects
struct  ns__RelationList
struct  ns__LinkListEx
struct  ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResponse
struct  ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResult
struct  ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResponse
struct  ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResult


typedef char * xsd__string
 String definition.
typedef int xsd__integer
 Integer definition.
typedef int xsd__int
 Integer definition.
typedef bool xsd__boolean
 Boolean definition.
typedef time_t xsd__dateTime
 Date/Time definition; this is a SOAP-formatted date and time.
typedef long xsd__long
 Long definition.


enum  ns__reqStatusCode { eCREATED = 1, eREPLACED = 2, eUPDATED = 3, eNOCHANGE = 4 }
enum  ns__statusCode {
  STARTING = 1, ACTIVE = 2, FINISHED = 3, ERR = 4,
enum  ns__cmdStatusCode { SUCCESS = 1, FAILURE = 2, COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND = 3 }


int ns__ApproveChangeRequest (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string className 1:1, xsd__long requestId 1:1, struct ns__ApproveChangeRequestResult &result)
int ns__RejectChangeRequest (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string className 1:1, xsd__long requestId 1:1, xsd__string reason 1:1, struct ns__RejectChangeRequestResult &result)
int ns__GetCategoryById (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__long categoryId 1:1, xsd__long parentLevel 0:1, struct ns__CategoryEx &result)
int ns__GetCategoryByDisplayName (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sDisplayName 1:1, struct ns__CategoryResult &result)
int ns__Login (xsd__string sUserId 0:1, xsd__string sPassword 0:1, xsd__string sProjectName 1:1, xsd__string sDatabase 1:1, struct ns__LoginResult &result)
int ns__LoginEx (xsd__string sUserId 0:1, xsd__string sPassword 0:1, xsd__string sProjectName 1:1, xsd__string sDatabase 1:1, struct ns__LoginExResult &result)
int ns__LoginByProjectId (xsd__string sUserId 0:1, xsd__string sPassword 0:1, xsd__int nProjectId 1:1, xsd__string sDatabase 1:1, struct ns__LoginByProjectIdResult &result)
int ns__Logout (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__LogoutResult &result)
int ns__QueryDatabases (struct ns__DatabaseList &result)
int ns__QueryProjects (xsd__string sUserId 0:1, xsd__string sPassword 0:1, xsd__string sDatabase 1:1, struct ns__ProjectList &result)
int ns__QueryProjectsEx (xsd__string sUserId 0:1, xsd__string sPassword 0:1, xsd__string sDatabase 1:1, struct ns__ProjectExList &result)
int ns__QueryClasses (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__ClassDefList &result)
int ns__QueryClassesEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__ClassDefExList &result)
int ns__QueryLinkClasses (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nClassId 1:1, struct ns__LinkClassDefList &result)
int ns__QueryAttributes (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sClassName 1:1, struct ns__AttributeDefList &result)
int ns__QueryAttributesEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sClassName 1:1, struct ns__AttributeDefExList &result)
int ns__QuerySystemInfo (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__SystemInfoResult &result)
int ns__CreateObject (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, struct ns__CreateObjectResult &result)
int ns__CreateObjectEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent 0:1, struct ns__CreateObjectExResult &result)
int ns__CreateObjectWithAttachment (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, xsd__string sAttrName 0:1, struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 0:1, struct ns__CreateObjectWithAttachmentResult &result)
int ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachment (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, xsd__string sAttrName 1:1, struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 0:1, xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent 0:1, struct ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachmentResult &result)
int ns__UpdateObject (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, struct ns__UpdateObjectResult &result)
int ns__UpdateObjectEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent 0:1, struct ns__UpdateObjectExResult &result)
int ns__ReplaceObject (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, struct ns__ReplaceObjectResult &result)
int ns__FindAndReplaceObject (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, struct ns__NameValueList aAttrList 0:1, xsd__boolean bCreateIfnotFound 0:1, struct ns__ReplaceRequirementList &results)
int ns__ReplaceObjectEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1, xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent 0:1, struct ns__ReplaceObjectExResult &result)
int ns__DeleteObjects (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sClassName 1:1, struct ns__StringList aObjectPUIDs 1:1, xsd__boolean &result)
int ns__RemoveObject (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__ObjectDef objectDef 1:1, xsd__boolean &result)
int ns__FindObjects (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sClassName 1:1, struct ns__StringList aKeywords 0:1, xsd__boolean bSearchFullText 0:1, struct ns__Requirement anExample 0:1, struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1, struct ns__RequirementList &result)
int ns__FindObjectsInClasses (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__StringList aClassNamesList 0:1, struct ns__StringList aKeywords 0:1, xsd__boolean bSearchFullText 0:1, struct ns__Requirement anExample 0:1, struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1, struct ns__RequirementList &result)
int ns__FindModifiedObjects (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sClassName 1:1, xsd__dateTime nTimestamp 1:1, struct ns__StringList aObjectPUIDs 0:1, struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1, struct ns__RequirementList &results)
int ns__UpdateObjectAttachment (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sClassName 1:1, xsd__string sPUID 1:1, xsd__string sAttrName 1:1, struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 0:1, xsd__string &results)
int ns__PutSharedFile (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 1:1, xsd__int &iFileStorageId)
int ns__GetSharedFile (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int iFileStorageId 1:1, struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 1:1, struct ns__FileAttachmentResult &oResult)
int ns__LinkObjects (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sParentClassName 1:1, xsd__string sParentPUID 1:1, xsd__string sChildClassName 1:1, struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs 1:1, xsd__string &results)
int ns__UnlinkObjects (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sParentClassName 1:1, xsd__string sParentPUID 1:1, xsd__string sChildClassName 1:1, struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs 1:1, xsd__string &results)
int ns__LinkObjectsEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nRelationId 0:1, xsd__string sRelationName 0:1, xsd__string sParentPUID 1:1, struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs 1:1, xsd__string &results)
int ns__UnlinkObjectsEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nRelationId 0:1, xsd__string sRelationName 0:1, xsd__string sParentPUID 1:1, struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs 1:1, xsd__string &results)
int ns__ListObjectLinks (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Requirement aRequirement 1:1, struct ns__LinkList &results)
int ns__ReadObjectAttachment (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1, xsd__string sAttrName 1:1, struct ns__ReadObjectAttachmentResult &oResult)
int ns__ReadObject (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1, struct ns__ReadObjectResult &result)
int ns__ReadObjects (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RequirementIdentifierList requirements 1:1, struct ns__RequirementList &result)
int ns__ReadObjectEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1, xsd__boolean detagHtmlAttributes 0:1, struct ns__ReadObjectExResult &result)
int ns__SendCMNotifications (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string CMUserId 1:1, xsd__string CMPassword 1:1, struct ns__CMNotificationsResult &result)
int ns__ListTemplates (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__TemplateList &result)
int ns__FindTemplate (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, struct ns__TemplateList &result)
int ns__CreateTemplate (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Template docTemplate 1:1, struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1, struct ns__CreateTemplateResponse &result)
int ns__DeleteTemplate (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, struct ns__DeleteTemplateResponse &result)
int ns__GetTemplateFile (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, struct xsd__base64Binary &result)
int ns__UpdateTemplateFile (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1, xsd__int &result)
int ns__UpdateTemplate (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__Template docTemplate 1:1, struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1, xsd__int &result)
int ns__ListRtmDocuments (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RtmDocumentList &result)
int ns__FindRtmDocument (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, struct ns__RtmDocumentList &result)
int ns__CreateRtmDocument (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1, struct ns__CreateRtmDocumentResponse &result)
int ns__AppendRtmDocument (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1, struct ns__AppendRtmDocumentResponse &response)
int ns__DeleteRtmDocument (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, struct ns__DeleteRtmDocumentResponse &result)
int ns__RTMDocumentRemoveRequirement (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nDocument_id 1:1, xsd__int nChapter_id 1:1, xsd__string sClassName 1:1, xsd__int nObject_id 1:1, struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse &result)
int ns__RTMDocumentAddChapter (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nDocument_id 1:1, xsd__int nExistChapter_id 1:1, struct ns_chapterDetails chapterName 1:1, struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse &result)
int ns__RTMDocumentAddRequirement (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nDocument_id 1:1, xsd__int nChapter_id 0:1, xsd__string sClassName 0:1, xsd__int nObject_id 0:1, struct ns__Requirement anObject 0:1, struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse &result)
int ns__getAsyncStatus (xsd__string cmdToken 1:1, struct ns__getAsyncStatusResponseResult &result)
int ns__AsyncCreateRtmDoc (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1, struct ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResult &result)
int ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatus (xsd__string cmdToken 1:1, struct ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResult &result)
int ns__AsyncAppendRtmDoc (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, xsd__string sContent 1:1, struct ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResult &result)
int ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatus (xsd__string cmdToken 1:1, struct ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResult &result)
int ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDoc (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, xsd__string sContent 1:1, struct ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResult &result)
int ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatus (xsd__string cmdToken 1:1, struct ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResult &result)
int ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotById (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int id 1:1, struct ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByIdResult &result)
int ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByName (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string name 1:1, struct ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByNameResult &result)
int ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshot (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RtmDocSnapshot snapshot 1:1, struct ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshotResult &result)
int ns__runTestAsync (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__runTestAsyncInputData 1:1, struct ns__runTestAsyncResponseResult &result)
int ns__getTestAsyncStatus (xsd__string cmdToken 1:1, struct ns__getTestAsyncStatusResponseResult &result)
int ns__ListRootCategories (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__CategoryList &result)
int ns__ListCategories (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__long categoryId 1:1, struct ns__CategoryList &result)
int ns__ListAllAllowedCategories (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__CategoryList &result)
int ns__CreateCategory (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__CategoryReq CategoryReq 1:1, struct ns__createCategoryResponse &result)
int ns__ListCollections (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__CollectionList &result)
int ns__ListCollectionsEx (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__CollectionExList &result)
int ns__ListCollectionsEx2 (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__CollectionEx2List &result)
int ns__GetCollectionByName (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string collection_name 1:1, struct ns__GetCollectionByNameResult &result)
int ns__GetCollectionById (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int collection_id 1:1, struct ns__GetCollectionByIdResult &result)
int ns__AddObjectToCollection (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__RequirementIdentifier objectIdentifier 1:1, xsd__string collectionName 1:1, struct ns__addObjectToCollectionResponseResult &result)
int ns__GetObjectsInCollection (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int collectionId 1:1, xsd__boolean bDetagDescription 0:1, struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1, struct ns__RequirementList &results)
int ns__GetObjectsInCollections (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__IdList collectionIds 1:1, xsd__boolean bDetagDescription 0:1, struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1, struct ns__RequirementList &results)
int ns__FindObjectsInCollections (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__IdList collectionIds 1:1, struct ns__SearchRequirement aSearchAttr 0:1, struct ns__StringList aKeywords 0:1, xsd__boolean bSearchFullText 0:1, xsd__boolean bDetagDescription 0:1, struct ns__StringList aReturnAttrList 0:1, struct ns__RequirementFindList &results)
int ns__CreateCollection (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__CreateCollectionEx collectionName 1:1, xsd__string sCategoryFullName 0:1, struct ns__CreateCollectionResponseResult &result)
int ns__CreateBaseline (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sName 1:1, xsd__int nCmSourceBaselineUid 1:1, struct ns__RequirementIdentifierList requirements 1:1, struct ns__CreateBaselineResult &result)
int ns__DeleteBaseline (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nBaselineId 1:1, struct ns__DeleteBaselineResult &result)
int ns__AddSyncXrefLink (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref 1:1, xsd__boolean &result)
int ns__DeleteSyncXrefLink (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref 1:1, xsd__boolean &result)
int ns__ReadSyncXrefLink (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref 1:1, struct ns__SyncXrefLinkList &result)
int ns__FindLinkedObjects (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__string sClassName 1:1, xsd__int nObjectId 1:1, xsd__string sStatus 0:1, struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1, struct ns__LinkListEx &result)
int ns__IsSSOLoginEnabled (xsd__string sDatabase 1:1, xsd__boolean &result)
int ns__QueryRtmDocumentStructure (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nDocId 1:1, xsd__int nChapterId 0:1, xsd__boolean bIncludeReq 0:1, struct ns__RtmDocumentOut &rtmDocOut)
int ns__AsyncQueryRtmDoc (xsd__string sessionId 1:1, xsd__int nDocId 1:1, xsd__int nChapterId 0:1, xsd__boolean bIncludeReq 0:1, struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResult &result)
int ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocStatus (xsd__string cmdToken 1:1, struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResult &result)

Typedef Documentation

typedef bool xsd__boolean

Boolean definition.

Definition at line 54 of file rtmservice.h.

typedef time_t xsd__dateTime

Date/Time definition; this is a SOAP-formatted date and time.

Definition at line 57 of file rtmservice.h.

typedef int xsd__int

Integer definition.

Definition at line 51 of file rtmservice.h.

typedef int xsd__integer

Integer definition.

Definition at line 48 of file rtmservice.h.

typedef long xsd__long

Long definition.

Definition at line 60 of file rtmservice.h.

typedef char* xsd__string

String definition.

Definition at line 45 of file rtmservice.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 915 of file rtmservice.h.

ns__reqStatusCode enumeration that indicates the status of requirement.


Definition at line 67 of file rtmservice.h.

ns__statusCode enumeration that indicates the status of command.


Definition at line 761 of file rtmservice.h.

Function Documentation

int ns__AddObjectToCollection ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementIdentifier objectIdentifier 1:1  ,
xsd__string collectionName 1:1  ,
struct ns__addObjectToCollectionResponseResult result 

Add an object to a collection.

sessionId- The current session identifier.
objectIdentifier- A combination of PUID/classname or objectID/classname that specifies a project requirement.
collectionName- The collection name.
int ns__AddSyncXrefLink ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean result 

Description: Add an association entry between Dimensions RM and the other (foreign) tool in SYNC_XREF table.


  • sessionId - The current session identifier
  • aXref - A reference entry consists of a Dimensions RM class id, Dimensions RM PUID, foreign tool id and foreign item identifier.


  • None

Return Values:

  • A flag indication whether the adding reference was successful or not

Expected Outcome:

  • A reference entry between RM requirement and the other tool item is stored in SYNC_XREF table

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error storing the reference entry.
int ns__AppendRtmDocument ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1  ,
struct ns__AppendRtmDocumentResponse response 

Append a Dimension RM document to an existing document.

int ns__ApproveChangeRequest ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string className 1:1  ,
xsd__long requestId 1:1  ,
struct ns__ApproveChangeRequestResult result 
int ns__AsyncAppendRtmDoc ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
xsd__string sContent 1:1  ,
struct ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResult result 

Append a Dimensions RM document to an existing document.

int ns__AsyncCreateRtmDoc ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1  ,
struct ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResult result 

Create a new project Dimensions RM document.

the properties of the new document
int ns__AsyncQueryRtmDoc ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nDocId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nChapterId 0:1  ,
xsd__boolean bIncludeReq 0:1  ,
struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResult result 

Query an existing RM document structure

the properties of the RM document
int ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDoc ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
xsd__string sContent 1:1  ,
struct ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResult result 

Replace an existing project Dimensions RM document.

the properties of the replaced document
int ns__CreateBaseline ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sName 1:1  ,
xsd__int nCmSourceBaselineUid 1:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementIdentifierList requirements 1:1  ,
struct ns__CreateBaselineResult result 

Description: Create Baseline based on listed requirements and related to CM baseline


  • sessionId (required), web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • sName, Name of the new baseline
  • nCmSourceBaselineUid, id of the CM baseline to associated with this baseline
  • requirements, list of requirements to put in the baseline


  • None

Return Values:

  • id of the new baseline

Expected Outcome:

  • New baseline is created

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
int ns__CreateCategory ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__CategoryReq CategoryReq 1:1  ,
struct ns__createCategoryResponse result 

ENH170627:Create a new WebService to allow creation of categories Description: Create a child category for the given parent category.


  • sessionId (required)
  • CategoryReq (required), CategoryReq should contain the mandatory attributes value to create category.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM category with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • A new Dimensions RM category is created using the specified input data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Parent category not found or the user does not have access to create category.
    • Insufficient category permission.
    • Create a category fails.
int ns__CreateCollection ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__CreateCollectionEx collectionName 1:1  ,
xsd__string sCategoryFullName 0:1  ,
struct ns__CreateCollectionResponseResult result 

Description: Create an empty collection based on users detail.


  • sessionId (required)
  • Collection (required), Collection should contain the mandatory attributes value to create Collection.
    • sCategoryFullName - The CategoryFullName will look something like: Cat1/Cat2/Cat3


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM CreateCollection with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • A new Dimensions RM Collection is created using the specified input data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified collection.
    • User does not have sufficient permission.
    • Create a Collection fails.
int ns__CreateObject ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
struct ns__CreateObjectResult result 

Description: Creates a Dimensions RM requirement in the specified class. To create a requirement with attachment attribute use ns__CreateObjectWithAttachment().


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), object should contain the mandatory attributes value of the specified class to create the requirement.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • A new Dimensions RM requirement is created using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Class not found or the user does not have access to the class.
    • Insufficient category permission.
    • Create requirement fails.
int ns__CreateObjectEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent 0:1  ,
struct ns__CreateObjectExResult result 

Description: Creates a Dimensions RM requirement in the specified class. To create a requirement with attachment attribute use ns__CreateObjectWithAttachment().


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), object should contain the mandatory attributes value of the specified class to create the requirement.
  • bDontGenerateAlfEvent(required), Whether an alf event should be generated for the update


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • A new Dimensions RM requirement is created using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Class not found or the user does not have access to the class.
    • Insufficient category permission.
    • Create requirement fails.
int ns__CreateObjectWithAttachment ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
xsd__string sAttrName 0:1  ,
struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 0:1  ,
struct ns__CreateObjectWithAttachmentResult result 

Description: Creates a Dimensions RM requirement in the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), object should contain the mandatory attributes value of the specified class to create the requirement.
  • sAttrName, file attachment attribute name.
  • oFile, the file attachment details and contents.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • A new Dimensions RM requirement is created using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Class not found or the user does not have access to the class.
  • Specified attribute is not a file attachment attribute.
  • Insufficient category permission.
  • Create requirement fails.
int ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshot ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RtmDocSnapshot snapshot 1:1  ,
struct ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshotResult result 

Create a new Snapshot for document.

int ns__CreateRtmDocument ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1  ,
struct ns__CreateRtmDocumentResponse result 

Create a new project Dimensions RM document.

the properties of the new document
int ns__CreateTemplate ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Template docTemplate 1:1  ,
struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1  ,
struct ns__CreateTemplateResponse result 

Create a new project document template.

template the properties of the created template.
int ns__DeleteBaseline ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nBaselineId 1:1  ,
struct ns__DeleteBaselineResult result 

Description: Delete Baseline


  • nBaselineId, id of the baseline to be deleted


  • None

Return Values:

Expected Outcome:

  • Baseline is deleted

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
int ns__DeleteObjects ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 1:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aObjectPUIDs 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean result 

Description: Marks objects as deleted, but they are not removed from the database.


  • sessionId (required), Web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • sClassName class name of objects to be marked as deleted.
  • aObjectPUIDs Unique object identifiers of objects to be deleted.


  • None

Return Values:

  • A flag indicating whether the deletion was successful.

Expected Outcome:

  • The specified requirements are marked as "deleted."

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified class.
    • User does not have delete permission.
    • Delete requirement fails.
int ns__DeleteRtmDocument ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
struct ns__DeleteRtmDocumentResponse result 

Delete the Dimensions RM document specified by the template ID.

int ns__DeleteSyncXrefLink ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean result 

Description: Delete an association entry from SYNC_XREF table


  • sessionId - The current session identifier
  • aXref - A reference entry identifier either foreign ID or Dimensions RM class ID and PUID along with tool name.


  • None

Return Values:

  • A flag indication whether the deletion was successful.

Expected Outcome:

  • A reference entry between a Dimensions RM requirement and the other tool item is deleted from SYNC_XREF table.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error deleting the reference entry.
int ns__DeleteTemplate ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
struct ns__DeleteTemplateResponse result 

Delete the project template specified by the template ID.

template the properties of the deleted template.
int ns__FindAndReplaceObject ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
struct ns__NameValueList aAttrList 0:1  ,
xsd__boolean bCreateIfnotFound 0:1  ,
struct ns__ReplaceRequirementList results 

Description: Find and Replaces a Dimensions RM requirement in the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), requirement class name, and PUID should be specified to identify the requirement that needs to be updated.
    • aAttrList - to search requirement
    • bCreateIfnotFound - requirement will be create if not found.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement is updated using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Requirement not found.
  • User does not have update permission.
  • Unable to lock the requirement to update.
  • Update requirement fails.
int ns__FindLinkedObjects ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 1:1  ,
xsd__int nObjectId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sStatus 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1  ,
struct ns__LinkListEx result 
int ns__FindModifiedObjects ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 1:1  ,
xsd__dateTime nTimestamp 1:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aObjectPUIDs 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementList results 

Description: Find objects that have been modified since the given time and date.


  • sessionId (required), Web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • sClassName, if specified requirements from this class is returned.
  • nTimestamp.
  • aObjectPUIDs.
  • aAttrList, specify the attribute value to be filtered.


  • None

Return Values:

  • List of requirements satisfying the query criteria.

Expected Outcome:

  • The specified requirement is removed.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified class.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error executing the query
int ns__FindObjects ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 1:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aKeywords 0:1  ,
xsd__boolean bSearchFullText 0:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anExample 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementList result 

Description: Find objects that match the given search criteria.


  • sessionId (required), web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • sClassName, if specified requirements from this class is returned.
  • aKeywords (optional).
  • bSerachFullText
  • anExample
  • aAttrList


  • None

Return Values:

  • List of requirements satisfying the query criteria.

Expected Outcome:

  • The specified requirement is removed.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified class.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error executing the query.
int ns__FindObjectsInClasses ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aClassNamesList 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aKeywords 0:1  ,
xsd__boolean bSearchFullText 0:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anExample 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementList result 

Description: Find objects that match the given search criteria.


  • sessionId (required), web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • sClassNames, if specified requirements from these classes are returned.
  • aKeywords (optional).
  • bSerachFullText
  • anExample
  • aAttrList


  • None

Return Values:

  • List of requirements satisfying the query criteria.

Expected Outcome:

  • The specified requirement is removed.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified class.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error executing the query.
int ns__FindObjectsInCollections ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__IdList collectionIds 1:1  ,
struct ns__SearchRequirement aSearchAttr 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aKeywords 0:1  ,
xsd__boolean bSearchFullText 0:1  ,
xsd__boolean bDetagDescription 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aReturnAttrList 0:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementFindList results 

Description: Find objects in the given collections


  • sessionId (required), web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • collectionIds, ids of the collections to retrieve the objects for
    • aSearchAttr(optional) - to search requirement
  • aKeywords (optional).
  • bSerachFullText
  • bDetagDescription, flag for whether the description should be detagged if it is an html text attribute
  • aReturnAttrList(optional), list of attributes to include in the returned requirement list. If no attribute then object PUID will be return.


  • None

Return Values:

  • List of requirements in the collection The collection(s) the requirements exist in will be returned in the attribute list in an ATTRIBUTE named COLLECTIONS

Expected Outcome:

  • List of requiremetns in the collection returned

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified collection.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error executing the query.
int ns__FindRtmDocument ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
struct ns__RtmDocumentList result 

Get a document specified by ID.

int ns__FindTemplate ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
struct ns__TemplateList result 

Get a document template specified by template ID.

Get status from the async. test commmand

the command status and messages

Get status from the async. test commmand

the command status and messages

Get status from the async. test commmand

the command status and messages

Get status from the async. test commmand

the command status and messages
int ns__getAsyncStatus ( xsd__string cmdToken 1:1  ,
struct ns__getAsyncStatusResponseResult result 

Get the status from an asynchronous commmand.

the command status and messages
int ns__GetCategoryByDisplayName ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sDisplayName 1:1  ,
struct ns__CategoryResult result 
int ns__GetCategoryById ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__long categoryId 1:1  ,
xsd__long parentLevel 0:1  ,
struct ns__CategoryEx result 
int ns__GetCollectionById ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int collection_id 1:1  ,
struct ns__GetCollectionByIdResult result 

Get a collection specified by collection ID.

sessionId- The current session identifier.
the collection with the specified id.
int ns__GetCollectionByName ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string collection_name 1:1  ,
struct ns__GetCollectionByNameResult result 

Get a collection specified by name.

sessionId- The current session identifier.
the named collection
int ns__GetObjectsInCollection ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int collectionId 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean bDetagDescription 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementList results 

Description: Get objects in the given collection


  • sessionId (required), web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • collectionId, id of the collection to retrieve the objects for
  • bDetagDescription, flag for whether the description should be detagged if it is an html text attribute
  • aAttrList, list of attributes to include in the returned requirement list


  • None

Return Values:

  • List of requirements in the collection

Expected Outcome:

  • List of requiremetns in the collection returned

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified collection.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error executing the query.
int ns__GetObjectsInCollections ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__IdList collectionIds 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean bDetagDescription 0:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementList results 

Description: Get objects in the given collections


  • sessionId (required), web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • collectionIds, ids of the collections to retrieve the objects for
  • bDetagDescription, flag for whether the description should be detagged if it is an html text attribute
  • aAttrList, list of attributes to include in the returned requirement list


  • None

Return Values:

  • List of requirements in the collection The collection(s) the requirements exist in will be returned in the attribute list in an ATTRIBUTE named COLLECTIONS

Expected Outcome:

  • List of requirements in the collections returned

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified collection.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error executing the query.
int ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotById ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
struct ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByIdResult result 

Get a snapshot specified by id.

int ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByName ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string name 1:1  ,
struct ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByNameResult result 

Get a snapshot specified by name.

int ns__GetSharedFile ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int iFileStorageId 1:1  ,
struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 1:1  ,
struct ns__FileAttachmentResult oResult 
int ns__GetTemplateFile ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
struct xsd__base64Binary result 

Get the template file of the template specified by the template ID.

template the template content.
int ns__getTestAsyncStatus ( xsd__string cmdToken 1:1  ,
struct ns__getTestAsyncStatusResponseResult result 

Get status from the async. test commmand

the command status and messages
int ns__IsSSOLoginEnabled ( xsd__string sDatabase 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean result 

Description: Reads an association info from SYNC_XREF table


  • sDatabase - Database alias

Return Values:

  • True if sso enabled in icadmin.login_sources table in specified database, False if no.

Error Values:

int ns__LinkObjects ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sParentClassName 1:1  ,
xsd__string sParentPUID 1:1  ,
xsd__string sChildClassName 1:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs 1:1  ,
xsd__string results 

Description: Link multiple children to a parent object.


  • sessionId (required)
  • sParentClassName, parent class name to which the child requirements will be linked
  • sParentPUID, parent requirement PUID
  • sChildClassName, class name to which the child requirements belongs
  • aChildPUID, list of PUIDs for the child requirements


  • None

Return Values:

  • A string value specifying "successfully linked objects", in case of successful link creation

Expected Outcome:

  • All the child requirements specified will be linked to a parent requirement

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Parent requirement does not have current status.
  • Relationship not found between parent class and the child class.
  • Create link fails.
int ns__LinkObjectsEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nRelationId 0:1  ,
xsd__string sRelationName 0:1  ,
xsd__string sParentPUID 1:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs 1:1  ,
xsd__string results 

Description: Link multiple children to a parent object.


  • sessionId (required)
  • nRelationId, relationship id of a link between two classes
  • sRelationName, relationship name of a link between two classes A combination of RelationId or RelationName that specifies a relationship between two classess.
  • sParentPUID, parent requirement PUID
  • aChildPUID, list of PUIDs for the child requirements


  • None

Return Values:

  • A string value specifying "successfully linked objects", in case of successful link creation

Expected Outcome:

  • All the child requirements specified will be linked to a parent requirement

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Parent requirement does not have current status.
  • Relationship not found between parent class and the child class.
  • Create link fails.
int ns__ListAllAllowedCategories ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__CategoryList result 

Get all allowed categories present in the RM project

int ns__ListCategories ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__long categoryId 1:1  ,
struct ns__CategoryList result 

Get a list of child categories for the given parent category.

int ns__ListCollections ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__CollectionList result 

Get a list of collection names in the project.

sessionId- The current session identifier
array of collection names
int ns__ListCollectionsEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__CollectionExList result 

Get a list of collections in the project.

sessionId- The current session identifier
array of collections
int ns__ListCollectionsEx2 ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__CollectionEx2List result 

Get a list of collections in the project.

sessionId- The current session identifier
array of collections
int ns__ListObjectLinks ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement aRequirement 1:1  ,
struct ns__LinkList results 

Description: List secondary links for a specified requirement.


  • sessionId (required)
  • sRequirement - links for this requirement will be returned.


  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of links identified by ns__Link structure will be returned for the specified requirement.

Expected Outcome:

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Parent requirement does not have current status.
int ns__ListRootCategories ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__CategoryList result 

Get a list of top-level categories in the project.

int ns__ListRtmDocuments ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RtmDocumentList result 

Get a list of Dimensions RM documents in the project.

int ns__ListTemplates ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__TemplateList result 

Get a list of document templates in the project.

int ns__Login ( xsd__string sUserId 0:1  ,
xsd__string sPassword 0:1  ,
xsd__string sProjectName 1:1  ,
xsd__string sDatabase 1:1  ,
struct ns__LoginResult result 

Description: Creates a login session object on the Web server. An identifier that uniquely represents the session object is returned to the caller on a successful call.


  • sUserId (required)
  • sPassword (required)
  • sProjectName (required)
  • sDatabase (required)


  • None

Return Values:

  • An identifier that uniquely represents the session object.

Expected Outcome

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during the login.

Error Values

  • A database connection error if invalid credentials are supplied.
int ns__LoginByProjectId ( xsd__string sUserId 0:1  ,
xsd__string sPassword 0:1  ,
xsd__int nProjectId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sDatabase 1:1  ,
struct ns__LoginByProjectIdResult result 

Description: Creates a login session object on the Web server. An identifier that uniquely represents the session object is returned to the caller on a successful call.


  • sUserId (required)
  • sPassword (required)
  • nProjectId (required)
  • sDatabase (required)


  • None

Return Values:

  • An identifier that uniquely represents the session object.

Expected Outcome

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during the login.

Error Values

  • A database connection error if invalid credentials are supplied.
int ns__LoginEx ( xsd__string sUserId 0:1  ,
xsd__string sPassword 0:1  ,
xsd__string sProjectName 1:1  ,
xsd__string sDatabase 1:1  ,
struct ns__LoginExResult result 

Description: Creates a login session object on the Web server. An identifier that uniquely represents the session object is returned to the caller on a successful call. Along with the sessionId, a flag is returned if the login was performed by an admin user.


  • sUserId (required)
  • sPassword (required)
  • sProjectName (required)
  • sDatabase (required)


  • None

Return Values:

  • An identifier that uniquely represents the session object. Along with sessionId, a flag is returned to specify if the login was performed by an admin user.

Expected Outcome

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during the login.

Error Values

  • A database connection error if invalid credentials are supplied.
int ns__Logout ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__LogoutResult result 

Description: Logout of RTM and close the database connection for the current active session. The Web server performs any cleanup action necessary to clean up the session that is associated with the sessionId provided.


  • sessionId (required).


  • None

Return Values:

  • None

Expected Outcome

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during logout.

Error Values

  • A session lost error if server session is already disconnected.
int ns__PutSharedFile ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 1:1  ,
xsd__int iFileStorageId 

Description: Upload a shared file for others to access.


  • Attachments:
  • None

Return Values:

Expected Outcome:

Error Values:

int ns__QueryAttributes ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 1:1  ,
struct ns__AttributeDefList result 

Description: Retrieves the list of attributes associated with the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • sClassName (required)


  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of class attribute structures representing the list of attributes associated with the specified class.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during the query.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
    • Class not found if the specified class does not exist or user does not have permission to access the class.
    • Database error in loading class information.
int ns__QueryAttributesEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 1:1  ,
struct ns__AttributeDefExList result 

Description: Retrieves the list of attributes associated with the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • sClassName (required)


  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of class attribute detailed structures representing the list of attributes associated with the specified class.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during the query.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
    • Class not found if the specified class does not exist or user does not have permission to access the class.
    • Database error in loading class information.
int ns__QueryClasses ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__ClassDefList result 

Description: Retrieves a list of classes contained in the project associated with the Dimensions RM project represented by the specified sessionId.


  • sessionId (required)


  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of class structures representing the list of classes associated with the sessionId.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during the query.

Error Values:

int ns__QueryClassesEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__ClassDefExList result 

Description: Retrieves a list of classes contained in the project associated with the Dimensions RM project represented by the specified sessionId.


  • sessionId (required)


  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of detailed definition of class structures representing the list of classes associated with the sessionId.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during query.

Error Values:

int ns__QueryDatabases ( struct ns__DatabaseList result)

Description: Return the list of Oracle databases.


  • None


  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of strings representing the list of databases recognized by the Web service.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during the query.

Error Values:

int ns__QueryLinkClasses ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nClassId 1:1  ,
struct ns__LinkClassDefList result 

Description: Retrieves a list of linked secondary classes contained in the project associated with the Dimensions RM project represented by the specified primary classId.


  • sessionId (required)
    • nClassId (required) Attachments:
  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of detailed definition of linked class structures representing the list of classes associated with the primary classId.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during query.

Error Values:

int ns__QueryProjects ( xsd__string sUserId 0:1  ,
xsd__string sPassword 0:1  ,
xsd__string sDatabase 1:1  ,
struct ns__ProjectList result 

Description: Retrieves a list of Dimensions RM projects contained in the specified database to which the specified user has access.


  • sUserId (required).
  • sPassword (required).
  • sDatabase (required).


  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of strings representing the list of projects to which the specified user has access.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during query.

Error Values:

  • Failed to connect to database.
  • Failed to validate the user.
int ns__QueryProjectsEx ( xsd__string sUserId 0:1  ,
xsd__string sPassword 0:1  ,
xsd__string sDatabase 1:1  ,
struct ns__ProjectExList result 

Description: Retrieves a list of Dimensions RM projects contained in the specified database to which the specified user has access.


  • sUserId (required).
  • sPassword (required).
  • sDatabase (required).


  • None

Return Values:

  • A list of strings representing the list of projects to which the specified user has access.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during query.

Error Values:

  • Failed to connect to database.
  • Failed to validate the user.
int ns__QueryRtmDocumentStructure ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nDocId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nChapterId 0:1  ,
xsd__boolean bIncludeReq 0:1  ,
struct ns__RtmDocumentOut rtmDocOut 

Description: Reads RM Document and forms it in XML structure


  • sessionId - The current session identifier.
  • nDocId - RM Document ID
    • nChapterId - Chapter ID of a Document. If this value is <= 0, then whole document structure is returned
    • bIncludeReq - If this value is true, then requirements are also included in the structure


  • None

Return Values:

  • A reference entry representing RM Document in XML format.

Expected Outcome:

  • A reference entry representing RM Document is returned.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error reading the RM Document from RM Project.
int ns__QuerySystemInfo ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__SystemInfoResult result 

Description: Returns system information.


  • sessionId (required)


  • None

Return Values:

  • The system information represensting a Dimensions RM database version, operating system, database character set, and so on.

Expected Outcome:

  • An error is returned if a problem occurs during query.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
int ns__ReadObject ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1  ,
struct ns__ReadObjectResult result 

Description: Read object information with all the attribute values.


  • sessionId - The current session identifier
  • aRequirement - A combination of PUID/Classname or objectID/Classname that specifies a project requirement.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The requirement with all the attribute values.

Expected Outcome:

  • Dimensions RM requirement information with all the attribute values except graphics and workflow attributes are returned.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error reading requirement information.
int ns__ReadObjectAttachment ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1  ,
xsd__string sAttrName 1:1  ,
struct ns__ReadObjectAttachmentResult oResult 

Description: Read file attachment of a requirement.


  • sessionId - The current session identifier.
  • aRequirement - A combination of PUID/Classname or objectID/Classname that specifies a project requirement.
  • attribute - The file attachment attribute name.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The file attachment of the specified attribute.

Expected Outcome:

  • Returns the detailed information and content of file attachment attribute.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Specified attribute is not file attachment attribute.
  • Requirement does not have current status.
  • Error reading file content.
int ns__ReadObjectEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean detagHtmlAttributes 0:1  ,
struct ns__ReadObjectExResult result 

Description: Read object information with all the attribute values.


  • sessionId - The current session identifier
  • detagHtmlAttributes - Whether html attributes should be detagged
  • aRequirement - A combination of PUID/Classname or objectID/Classname that specifies a project requirement.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The requirement with all the attribute values.

Expected Outcome:

  • Dimensions RM requirement information with all the attribute values except graphics and workflow attributes are returned. Error Values:
  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error reading requirement information.
int ns__ReadObjects ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementIdentifierList requirements 1:1  ,
struct ns__RequirementList result 

Description: Read object information with all the attribute values.


  • sessionId - The current session identifier
  • requirements - A list combination of PUID/Classname or objectID/Classname that specifies project requirements.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The list of requirements with all the attribute values.

Expected Outcome:

  • List of Dimensions RM requirements information with all the attribute values except graphics and workflow attributes are returned.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error reading requirement information.
int ns__ReadSyncXrefLink ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref 1:1  ,
struct ns__SyncXrefLinkList result 

Description: Reads an association info from SYNC_XREF table


  • sessionId - The current session identifier.
  • aXref - A reference entry identifier either foreign ID or Dimensions RM class ID and PUID along with the other tool name.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The list of reference entry for the specified reference entry identifier.

Expected Outcome:

  • A reference entry between RM requirement and the other tool item is returned.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error reading the reference entry from SYNC_XREF table.
int ns__RejectChangeRequest ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string className 1:1  ,
xsd__long requestId 1:1  ,
xsd__string reason 1:1  ,
struct ns__RejectChangeRequestResult result 
int ns__RemoveObject ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__ObjectDef objectDef 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean result 

Description: Permanently removes an object from the Dimensions RM database.


  • sessionId (required), Web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
  • objectDef class name and object id if the object to be removed from the database.


  • None

Return Values:

  • A flag indicating whether the removal was successful.

Expected Outcome:

  • The specified requirement is removed.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified class.
    • User does not have remove permission.
  • Remove requirement fails.
int ns__ReplaceObject ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
struct ns__ReplaceObjectResult result 

Description: Replaces a Dimensions RM requirement in the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), requirement class name, and PUID should be specified to identify the requirement that needs to be updated.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement is updated using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Requirement not found.
  • User does not have update permission.
  • Unable to lock the requirement to update.
  • Update requirement fails.
int ns__ReplaceObjectEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent 0:1  ,
struct ns__ReplaceObjectExResult result 

Description: Replaces a Dimensions RM requirement in the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), requirement class name, and PUID should be specified to identify the requirement that needs to be updated.
  • bDontGenerateAlfEvent(required), Whether an alf event should be generated for the update


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement is updated using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Requirement not found.
  • User does not have update permission.
  • Unable to lock the requirement to update.
  • Update requirement fails.
int ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachment ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
xsd__string sAttrName 1:1  ,
struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 0:1  ,
xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent 0:1  ,
struct ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachmentResult result 

Description: Replace a Dimensions RM requirement With attachment in the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), requirement class name, and PUID should be specified to identify the requirement that needs to be updated.
  • sAttrName, file attachment attribute name.
  • bDontGenerateAlfEvent(required), Whether an alf event should be generated for the update
  • oFile, the file attachment details and contents.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement is updated using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Requirement not found.
  • User does not have update permission.
  • Attachment attribute does not exist.
  • Unable to lock the requirement to update.
  • Update requirement fails.
int ns__RTMDocumentAddChapter ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nDocument_id 1:1  ,
xsd__int nExistChapter_id 1:1  ,
struct ns_chapterDetails chapterName 1:1  ,
struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse result 

Description: The New Chapter Shall be added after the Existing Chapter at the same level.


  • sessionId (required), Web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
    • nDocument_id (required), this will take the specific Document.
    • nExistChapter_id (required), add the new chapter after the Existing Chapter.
  • chapterName (required), this will contain the new chapter name and description


  • None

Return Values:

  • A Message indicating whether the addition of new chapter was successful.

Expected Outcome:

  • The specified new chapter are marked as "added"

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified class.
    • Error loading specified Document.
    • Adding the specified chapter fails
int ns__RTMDocumentAddRequirement ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nDocument_id 1:1  ,
xsd__int nChapter_id 0:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 0:1  ,
xsd__int nObject_id 0:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 0:1  ,
struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse result 

Description: The Requirement Shall be added in the Existing Chapter.


  • sessionId (required), Web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
    • nDocument_id (required), this will take the specific Document.
    • nChapter_id (required), add the new chapter after the Existing Chapter.
  • sClassName class name of the object.
  • nObject_id Unique object identifier of the Requirement to be added.
    • anObject (optional) brief Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement.


  • None

Return Values:

  • A Message indicating whether the addition of new requirement was successful.

Expected Outcome:

  • The specified new requirement are marked as "added"

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified class.
    • Error loading specified Document.
    • Adding the specified chapter fails
int ns__RTMDocumentRemoveRequirement ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nDocument_id 1:1  ,
xsd__int nChapter_id 1:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 1:1  ,
xsd__int nObject_id 1:1  ,
struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse result 

Description: Remove the Requirement reference from the specific Document


  • sessionId (required), Web service sessionId obtained from a successful login.
    • nDocument_id (required), this will take the specific Document.
    • nChapter_id (required), to delete a requirement from the specific chapter.
  • sClassName class name of object to be marked as deleted.
  • nObject_id Unique object identifier of the Requirement to be deleted.


  • None

Return Values:

  • A Message indicating whether the deletion was successful.

Expected Outcome:

  • The specified requirements are marked as "deleted."

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Error loading specified class.
    • Error loading specified Document.
    • User does not have delete permission.
    • Delete requirement fails.
int ns__runTestAsync ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__runTestAsyncInputData 1:1  ,
struct ns__runTestAsyncResponseResult result 

Run the async. test commmand

the command status and messages
int ns__SendCMNotifications ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string CMUserId 1:1  ,
xsd__string CMPassword 1:1  ,
struct ns__CMNotificationsResult result 

Description: Send notifications to CM


  • sessionId - The current session identifier
  • CMUserId - User id to log into CM with
  • CMPassword - Password to log into CM with


  • None

Return Values:

Expected Outcome:

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • User does not have sufficient permission.
  • Error reading requirement information.
int ns__UnlinkObjects ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sParentClassName 1:1  ,
xsd__string sParentPUID 1:1  ,
xsd__string sChildClassName 1:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs 1:1  ,
xsd__string results 

Description: Unlink multiple children from a parent object


  • sessionId (required)
  • sParentClassName, name of the parent class to which the child requirements will be linked
  • sParentPUID - parent requirement PUID
  • sChildClassName - class name to which the child requirements belong
  • aChildPUID - list of the PUIDs for the child requirements


  • None

Return Values:

  • A string value specifying "successfully unlinked objects," in case of successful link removal.

Expected Outcome:

  • Link between all the child requirements and the parent requirement will be removed.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Parent requirement does not have current status.
  • Relationship not found between parent class and the child class.
  • Remove link fails.
int ns__UnlinkObjectsEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int nRelationId 0:1  ,
xsd__string sRelationName 0:1  ,
xsd__string sParentPUID 1:1  ,
struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs 1:1  ,
xsd__string results 

Description: Unlink multiple children from a parent object


  • sessionId (required)
  • nRelationId, relationship id of a link between two classes
  • sRelationName, relationship name of a link between two classes A combination of RelationId or RelationName that specifies a relationship between two classess.
  • sParentPUID, parent requirement PUID
  • aChildPUID, list of PUIDs for the child requirements


  • None

Return Values:

  • A string value specifying "successfully unlinked objects," in case of successful link removal.

Expected Outcome:

  • Link between all the child requirements and the parent requirement will be removed.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Parent requirement does not have current status.
  • Relationship not found between parent class and the child class.
  • Remove link fails.
int ns__UpdateObject ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
struct ns__UpdateObjectResult result 

Description: Updates a Dimensions RM requirement in the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), requirement class name, and PUID should be specified to identify the requirement that needs to be updated.


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement is updated using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Requirement not found.
  • User does not have update permission.
  • Unable to lock the requirement to update.
  • Update requirement fails.
int ns__UpdateObjectAttachment ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__string sClassName 1:1  ,
xsd__string sPUID 1:1  ,
xsd__string sAttrName 1:1  ,
struct ns__FileAttachment oFile 0:1  ,
xsd__string results 

Description: Updates a Dimensions RM requirement file attachment in the specified class.


  • sessionId (required).
  • sClassName, class name to which the requirement belongs.
  • sPUID, requirement PUID for the requirement whose attachment needs to be updated.
  • sAttrName, attachment attribute name.
  • oFile, specified file attachment details and contents.


  • None

Return Values:

Expected Outcome:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement is updated using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Requirement not found.
  • User does not have update permission.
  • Attachment attribute does not exist.
  • Unable to lock the requirement to update.
  • Update requirement fails.
int ns__UpdateObjectEx ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Requirement anObject 1:1  ,
xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent 0:1  ,
struct ns__UpdateObjectExResult result 

Description: Updates a Dimensions RM requirement in the specified class.


  • sessionId (required)
  • anObject (required), requirement class name, and PUID should be specified to identify the requirement that needs to be updated.
  • bDontGenerateAlfEvent(required), Whether an alf event should be generated for the update


  • None

Return Values:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement with the updated data.

Expected Outcome:

  • The Dimensions RM requirement is updated using the specified requirement data.

Error Values:

  • Session lost error if the specified session is not valid.
  • Requirement not found.
  • User does not have update permission.
  • Unable to lock the requirement to update.
  • Update requirement fails.
int ns__UpdateTemplate ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
struct ns__Template docTemplate 1:1  ,
struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1  ,
xsd__int result 

Update the template name, filename, and description fields, and the template file of the template specified by the template ID.

operation status 0 - success, the template was replaced >0 - error encountered
int ns__UpdateTemplateFile ( xsd__string sessionId 1:1  ,
xsd__int id 1:1  ,
struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1  ,
xsd__int result 

Replace the template file of the template specified by template ID.

operation status 0 - success, the template was replaced >0 - error encountered
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