Dimensions RM  11.2.3
C:/0_Zero/0 RM Files/source/Web Services/rtmservice.h
Go to the documentation of this file.
00016 //gsoap ns service name: rtmService
00017 //gsoap ns service namespace: http://www.serena.com/soap/rtmService.wsdl
00018 //gsoap ns service location: http://localhost/rtmservices/mod_gsoap.dll?rtmService
00019 //gsoap ns schema namespace: urn:rtmService
00021 //***************************************************************************
00022 //* $Workfile:   rtmservice.h  $
00023 //* $Header::   Y:/archives/dv/RTM/archives/rtm Source/v5/tools/rtmservice.h-arc   1.35   May 17 2008 14:22:46   pbodie  $
00024 //* Copyright (c) 2005, Serena, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
00025 //*
00026 //* All rights reserved.
00027 //*
00028 //* This software is the confidential and proprietary information
00029 //* of Serena Software, Inc. ("Confidential Information").  You
00030 //* shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use
00031 //* it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement
00032 //* you entered into with Serena.
00033 //**************************************************************************
00035 #include <time.h>
00037 #ifndef _RTMSERVICE_H_HEADER_
00038 #define _RTMSERVICE_H_HEADER_
00040 //**************************************************************************
00041 //* Simple Types
00042 //**************************************************************************
00045 typedef char* xsd__string;
00048 typedef int  xsd__integer;
00051 typedef int  xsd__int;
00054 typedef bool  xsd__boolean;
00057 typedef time_t xsd__dateTime; 
00060 typedef long xsd__long;
00066 // Command status enumeration
00067 enum ns__reqStatusCode {eCREATED = 1, eREPLACED = 2, eUPDATED = 3, eNOCHANGE = 4};
00073 struct xsd__base64Binary {
00074   unsigned char *__ptr;
00075   int __size;
00076 };
00078 //******************************************************************************
00079 //* General Utility Structure Definition
00080 //******************************************************************************
00087 struct ns__StringList {
00088         xsd__string     *__ptr;
00089         xsd__integer    __size;
00090 };
00097 struct ns__NameValue {
00098         xsd__string sName       1:1;
00099         xsd__string sValue      0:1;
00100 };
00108 struct ns__NameValueList {
00109         struct ns__NameValue *__ptr;
00110         xsd__integer              __size;
00111 };
00118 struct ns__IdList {
00119         xsd__int        *__ptr;
00120         xsd__integer __size;
00121 };
00123 //******************************************************************************
00124 //* FileAttachment Structure Definition
00125 //******************************************************************************
00136 struct ns__FileAttachment {
00138   xsd__string               sFullPath           0:1;
00140   xsd__string                           sFilename               1:1;
00142   xsd__dateTime             nModifiedTime       0:1;
00144   xsd__long                                     nChecksum               0:1;
00146   struct xsd__base64Binary  encodedContents     0:1;
00147 };
00149 //******************************************************************************
00150 //* RM Entity Structure Definition
00151 //******************************************************************************
00159 struct ns__DatabaseList {
00160         xsd__string *__ptr;
00161         xsd__integer __size;
00162 };
00170 struct ns__ProjectList {
00171         xsd__string  *__ptr;
00172         xsd__integer  __size;
00173 };
00181 struct ns__ProjectEx {
00183         xsd__int nId                            1:1;
00185         xsd__string sName                       1:1;
00187         xsd__string sDescription        0:1;
00189         xsd__boolean bLockStatus        1:1;
00191         xsd__string sVersion            0:1;
00193         xsd__boolean bAssociatedCM      1:1;
00194 };
00202 struct ns__LinkClassDef {
00204         xsd__int nId                            1:1;
00206         xsd__string sName                       1:1;
00208         xsd__string sRelationName       1:1;
00210 };
00217 struct ns__LinkClassDefList {
00218         struct ns__LinkClassDef *__ptr;
00219         xsd__integer   __size;
00220 };
00228 struct ns__ProjectExList {
00229         struct ns__ProjectEx *__ptr;
00230         xsd__integer   __size;
00231 };
00239 struct ns__ClassDef {
00241         xsd__int nId            1:1;
00243         xsd__string sName       1:1;
00244 };
00252 struct ns__ClassDefList {
00253         struct ns__ClassDef *__ptr;
00254         xsd__integer   __size;
00255 };
00263 struct ns__ClassDefEx {
00265         xsd__int nId                            1:1;
00267         xsd__string sName                       1:1;
00269         xsd__int nDescriptionAttrId     1:1;
00271         xsd__int nTitleAttrId           1:1;
00273         xsd__int nType                          1:1;
00274 };
00282 struct ns__ClassDefExList {
00283         struct ns__ClassDefEx *__ptr;
00284         xsd__integer   __size;
00285 };
00293 struct ns__FormatDef {
00295         xsd__int         nMaxLen                1:1;
00297         xsd__int         nDisplayLen    1:1;
00298         // Case of the attribute.
00299         xsd__string  sCase                      0:1;
00301         xsd__string  sTemplate          0:1;
00303         xsd__string      sMinValue              0:1;
00305         xsd__string  sMaxValue          0:1;
00306 };
00314 struct ns__AttributeDef {
00316         xsd__int        nId                             1:1;
00318         xsd__string sName                       1:1;
00320         xsd__int        nTypeId                 1:1;
00322         xsd__string sTypeName           1:1;
00324         xsd__string sDisplayName        1:1;
00326         xsd__string sDefaultValue       0:1;
00328         xsd__boolean bManditory         1:1;
00330         xsd__boolean bEditable          1:1;
00332         xsd__boolean bUnique            1:1;
00334         xsd__boolean bVisable           1:1;
00336         xsd__boolean bMultiple          1:1;
00339         struct ns__FormatDef aFormat    1:1;
00341         struct ns__StringList aValues   0:1;
00342 };
00350 struct ns__AttributeDefList {
00351         struct ns__AttributeDef *__ptr;
00352         xsd__integer    __size;
00353 };
00361 struct ns__AttributeDefEx {
00362         xsd__int        nId                             1:1;
00363         xsd__string sName                       1:1;
00364         xsd__int        nTypeId                 1:1;
00365         xsd__string sTypeName           1:1;
00366         xsd__string sDisplayName        1:1;
00367         xsd__string sDefaultValue       0:1;
00368     // flags
00369         xsd__boolean bManditory         1:1;
00370         xsd__boolean bEditable          1:1;
00371         xsd__boolean bUnique            1:1;
00372         xsd__boolean bVisable           1:1;
00373         xsd__boolean bMultiple          1:1;
00374         xsd__boolean bImplicit          1:1;
00375         xsd__boolean bHtml                      0:1;
00376     // constraints
00377         struct ns__FormatDef aFormat    1:1;
00378         struct ns__StringList aValues   0:1;
00379 };
00387 struct ns__AttributeDefExList {
00388         struct ns__AttributeDefEx *__ptr;
00389         xsd__integer    __size;
00390 };
00398 struct ns__Requirement {
00399         xsd__string sPUID                       0:1;
00400         xsd__string sClassName          0:1;
00401         xsd__string sDescription        0:1;
00402         xsd__string sCreatedBy          0:1;
00403         xsd__string sModifiedBy         0:1;
00404         xsd__dateTime nCreateTime       0:1;
00405         xsd__dateTime nModifiedTime     0:1;
00406         xsd__string sTitle                      0:1;
00407         xsd__int        nObjectId               0:1;
00408         struct ns__NameValueList aAttrList      0:1;
00409 };
00416 /* ENH143055- Display Object Version Id */
00417 struct ns__RequirementOut {
00418         xsd__string sPUID                       1:1;
00419         xsd__string sClassName          1:1;
00420         xsd__string sDescription        0:1;
00421         xsd__string sCreatedBy          1:1;
00422         xsd__string sModifiedBy         1:1;
00423         xsd__dateTime nCreateTime       1:1;
00424         xsd__dateTime nModifiedTime     1:1;
00425         xsd__string sTitle                      1:1;
00426         xsd__int        nObjectId               1:1;
00427         xsd__int        nObjectVersionId 1:1;
00428         xsd__string sURL                        0:1;
00429         struct ns__NameValueList aAttrList 0:1;
00430 };
00437 struct ns__FindRequirementOut {
00438         struct ns__NameValueList aAttrList 1:1;
00439 };
00446 struct ns__RequirementList {
00447         struct ns__RequirementOut *__ptr;
00448         xsd__integer   __size;
00449 };
00456 struct ns__RequirementFindList {
00457         struct ns__FindRequirementOut *__ptr;
00458         xsd__integer              __size;
00459 };
00467 struct ns__SearchRequirement {
00468         xsd__string sTitle                      0:1;
00469         xsd__string sDescription        0:1;
00470         xsd__dateTime nCreateTime       0:1;
00471         xsd__dateTime nModifiedTime     0:1;
00472         struct ns__NameValueList aAttrList 0:1;
00473 };
00480 struct ns__ReplaceRequirementOut {
00481         struct ns__RequirementOut obj   1:1;
00482         enum ns__reqStatusCode eStatus  1:1;
00483 };
00491 struct ns__ReplaceRequirementList {
00492         struct ns__ReplaceRequirementOut *__ptr;
00493         xsd__integer   __size;
00494 };
00502 struct ns__ObjectDef {
00503         xsd__string sClassName  1:1;
00504         xsd__int        nObjectId       1:1;
00505 };
00517 struct ns__RequirementIdentifier {
00518         xsd__string sPUID               0:1;
00519         xsd__string sClassName  1:1;
00520         xsd__int        nObjectId       0:1;
00521 };
00528 struct ns__RequirementIdentifierList {
00529         struct ns__RequirementIdentifier        *__ptr;
00530         xsd__integer    __size;
00531 };
00539 struct ns__Template {
00540         xsd__int nId                            0:1;
00541         xsd__string sName                       1:1;
00542         xsd__string sFileName           0:1;
00543         xsd__string sDescription        0:1;
00544         xsd__string sCreatedBy          0:1;
00545         xsd__string sModifiedBy         0:1;
00546         xsd__dateTime nLastModified     0:1;
00547 };
00555 struct ns__TemplateList {
00556         struct ns__Template *__ptr;
00557         xsd__integer   __size;
00558 };
00566 struct ns__SystemInfo {
00567         xsd__string     sDBCharSet                              0:1;
00568         xsd__string     sClientCharSet                  0:1;
00569         xsd__string     sRMMinorVersion                 0:1;
00570         xsd__string     sRMMajorVersion                 0:1;
00571         xsd__string     sRMAdminMajor                   0:1;
00572         xsd__string     sRMAdminMinor                   0:1;
00573         xsd__string     sOperatingSystem                0:1;
00574         xsd__string     sOperatingSystemVersion 0:1;
00575         xsd__string     sDatabase                               0:1;
00576         xsd__string     sDatabaseVersion                0:1;
00577 };
00585 struct ns__Category {
00586         xsd__long               nId                             1:1;
00587         xsd__long               nType                   1:1;
00588         xsd__string             sName                   1:1;
00589         xsd__string             sDescription    0:1;
00590         xsd__string             sDisplayName    1:1;
00591 };
00593 struct ns__CategoryEx {
00594         xsd__long               nId                             1:1;
00595         xsd__long               nType                   1:1;
00596         xsd__string             sName                   1:1;
00597         xsd__string             sDescription    0:1;
00598         xsd__string             sDisplayName    1:1;
00599         xsd__long               nParentId               1:1;
00600 };
00608 struct ns__CategoryList {
00609         struct ns__Category *__ptr;
00610         xsd__integer            __size;
00611 };
00618 struct ns__CategoryReq {
00619         xsd__string             sName                           1:1;
00620         xsd__string             sDescription            0:1;
00621         xsd__long               nParentCategoryId       1:1;
00622 };
00623 struct ns__CategoryResult {
00624         xsd__long               nId                                     1:1;
00625 };
00632 struct ns__createCategoryResponse {
00633         struct ns__Category *__ptr 1:1;
00634 };
00642 struct ns__CommandStatus {
00643         xsd__int nStatusCode    1:1;
00644         xsd__string sMessage    0:1;
00645 };
00653 struct ns__Link {
00654         xsd__string sPrimaryClassName   1:1;
00655         xsd__int nPrimaryObjectId               1:1;
00656         xsd__string sPrimaryPUID                1:1;
00657         xsd__string sSecondaryClassName 1:1;
00658         xsd__int nSecondaryObjectId             1:1;
00659         xsd__string sSecondaryPUID              1:1;
00660         xsd__string sRelationName               1:1;
00661         xsd__int nRelationId                    1:1;
00662 };
00670 struct ns__LinkList {
00671         struct ns__Link *__ptr;
00672         xsd__integer    __size;
00673 };
00681 struct ns__ApproveChangeRequestResult {
00682         xsd__long nId 1:1;
00683         struct ns__CommandStatus status 1:1;
00684 };
00692 struct ns__RejectChangeRequestResult {
00693         struct ns__CommandStatus status 1:1;
00694 };
00702 struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties {
00703         xsd__int nId            0:1;
00704         xsd__string sName       1:1;
00705         xsd__string sURL        0:1;
00706 };
00714 struct ns__RtmDocSnapshot {
00715         xsd__string sName               1:1;
00716         xsd__int nDocumentId    1:1;
00717 };
00725 struct ns__RtmDocSnapshotOut {
00726         xsd__int nId                    1:1;
00727         xsd__string sName               1:1;
00728         xsd__int nDocumentId    1:1;
00729         xsd__string sUrl                1:1;
00730 };
00738 struct ns__StatusMessage {
00739         xsd__int msgId  1:1;
00740         xsd__int level  1:1;
00741         struct ns__StringList parms 0:1;
00742 };
00750 struct ns__StatusMessageList {
00751         struct ns__StatusMessage *__ptr;
00752         xsd__integer   __size;
00753 };
00760 // Command status enumeration
00761 enum ns__statusCode {STARTING = 1, ACTIVE = 2, FINISHED = 3, ERR = 4, NOT_FOUND = 5};
00769 struct ns__CollectionList {
00770         xsd__string  *__ptr;
00771         xsd__integer    __size;
00772 };
00779 struct ns__CollectionEx {
00781         xsd__int                nId                     1:1;
00783         xsd__string             sType           1:1;
00785         xsd__string     sName           1:1;
00791         xsd__boolean    bDocument       1:1;
00793         xsd__boolean    bBaseline       1:1;
00795         xsd__string     sURL            1:1;
00796 };
00803 struct ns__CollectionExList {
00804         struct ns__CollectionEx *__ptr;
00805         xsd__integer            __size;
00806 };
00813 struct ns__CollectionTransferRules {
00815         xsd__boolean    bTransferToChild                1:1;
00817         xsd__boolean    bDeleteFromParent               1:1;
00819         xsd__boolean    bTransferBackToParent   1:1;
00820 };
00822 //ENH195687 Web Service Operation to Create Collections 
00828 struct ns__CollectionTransferRulesEx {
00830         xsd__boolean    bTransferToChild                0:1;
00832         xsd__boolean    bDeleteFromParent               0:1;
00834         xsd__boolean    bTransferBackToParent   0:1;
00836         xsd__boolean    bObjectsAddOrRemove             0:1;
00837 };
00844 struct ns__CollectionEx2 {
00846         xsd__int                nId                     1:1;
00848         xsd__string             sType           1:1;
00850         xsd__string     sName           1:1;
00856         xsd__boolean    bDocument       1:1;
00858         xsd__boolean    bBaseline       1:1;
00860         struct ns__CollectionTransferRules transferRules 1:1;
00861 };
00868 struct ns__CollectionEx2List {
00869         struct ns__CollectionEx2 *__ptr;
00870         xsd__integer            __size;
00871 };
00873 //ENH195687 Web Service Operation to Create Collections 
00879 struct ns__CreateCollectionEx {
00881         xsd__string  sName 1:1;
00883         xsd__string  sDescription 0:1;
00884         struct ns__CollectionTransferRulesEx transferRules 0:1;
00885 };
00886 // async. command status
00887 //    not found 
00888 //    initialized
00889 //    started
00890 //    finished 
00891 struct ns__CmdStatus {
00892         xsd__int status 1:1;
00893         struct ns__StatusMessageList msgs 0:1;
00894 };
00896 // rtm Document  structure
00897 struct ns__RtmDocument {
00898         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
00899         xsd__string sContent                                    0:1;
00900 };
00902 // rtm Document Out  structure
00903 struct ns__RtmDocumentOut {
00904         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
00905         xsd__string sContent                                    1:1;
00906 };
00908 // list RtmDocuments return definition
00909 struct ns__RtmDocumentList {
00910         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties *__ptr;
00911         xsd__integer   __size;
00912 };
00914 // Command status enumeration
00915 enum ns__cmdStatusCode {SUCCESS = 1, FAILURE = 2, COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND = 3};
00917 //    runTestAsync  input  definition
00918 struct ns__runTestAsyncInputData {
00919         xsd__int reflectInt;
00920         xsd__string sReflectString;
00921         xsd__int logInterval;
00922         xsd__int timeSpan;
00923         xsd__int createFailure;
00924 };
00926 // SyncXref structure to hold the association information between Dimensions RM and another tool.
00927 struct ns__SyncXrefLink {
00928         xsd__string sForeignId                  0:1;
00929         xsd__int nRMClassId                             0:1;
00930         xsd__string sRMPUID                             0:1;
00931         xsd__string sForeignToolName    1:1;
00932 };
00934 struct ns__SyncXrefLinkList {
00935         struct ns__SyncXrefLink *__ptr;
00936         xsd__integer   __size;
00937 };
00939 //************************************************************************
00940 // Responses &ndash; data structures
00941 //************************************************************************
00943 struct ns__LoginExResultInfo {
00944         xsd__string sessionId   1:1;
00945         xsd__boolean bIsAdmin   1:1;
00946 };
00948 struct ns__LoginExResult {
00949         struct ns__LoginExResultInfo info 1:1;
00950 };
00952 struct ns__LoginResult {
00953         xsd__string sessionId   1:1;
00954 };
00956 struct ns__LoginByProjectIdResult {
00957         xsd__string sessionId   1:1;
00958 };
00960 struct ns__LogoutResult {
00961         xsd__int        value           1:1;
00962 };
00964 struct ns__FileAttachmentResult {
00965         struct ns__FileAttachment result 1:1;
00966 };
00968 struct ns__CreateObjectResult {
00969         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
00970 };
00972 struct ns__CreateObjectExResult {
00973         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
00974 };
00976 struct ns__ReadObjectResult {
00977         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
00978 };
00980 struct ns__ReadObjectExResult {
00981         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
00982 };
00984 struct ns__CreateObjectWithAttachmentResult {
00985         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
00986 };
00988 // ENH194307 : New  Web Service  method to Replace the RM object with file attachment
00989 struct ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachmentResult {
00990         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
00991 };
00992 struct ns__UpdateObjectResult {
00993         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
00994 };
00996 struct ns__UpdateObjectExResult {
00997         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
00998 };
01000 struct ns__ReplaceObjectResult {
01001         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
01002 };
01004 struct ns__ReplaceObjectExResult {
01005         struct ns__RequirementOut result 1:1;
01006 };
01008 struct ns__ReadObjectAttachmentResult {
01009         struct ns__FileAttachment result 1:1;
01010 };
01012 struct ns__SystemInfoResult{
01013         struct ns__SystemInfo result 1:1;
01014 };
01016 // CreateTemplate return definition
01017 //    gSOAP wrapper for Template struct return.
01018 struct ns__CreateTemplateResponse {
01019         struct ns__Template _returnTemplate             1:1;
01020 };
01022 // DeleteTemplate return definition
01023 //    gSOAP wrapper for Template struct return.
01024 struct ns__DeleteTemplateResponse {
01025         struct ns__Template _returnTemplate             1:1;
01026 };
01028 // CreateRtmDocument return definition
01029 struct ns__CreateRtmDocumentResult {
01030         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
01031         struct ns__CommandStatus status                 1:1;
01032 };
01033 struct ns__CreateRtmDocumentResponse {
01034         struct ns__CreateRtmDocumentResult result 1:1;
01035 };
01037 // DeleteRtmDocument return definition
01038 struct ns__DeleteRtmDocumentResponse {
01039         struct ns__CommandStatus status                 1:1;
01040 };
01042 // AppendRtmDocument return definition
01043 struct ns__AppendRtmDocumentResult {
01044         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
01045         struct ns__CommandStatus status                 1:1;
01046 };
01048 // Append RtmDocument return definition
01049 struct ns__AppendRtmDocumentResponse {
01050         struct ns__AppendRtmDocumentResult result 1:1;
01051 };
01053 // Remove a Requirement from a document
01054 struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse {
01055         xsd__string sMessage            1:1;
01056 };
01057 // New chapter details for adding in the existing Document
01058 struct ns_chapterDetails {
01059         xsd__string sName                       1:1;
01060         xsd__string sDescription        0:1;
01061 };
01063 //    AddObjectToCollection  response definition
01064 struct ns__addObjectToCollectionResponse {
01065         enum ns__cmdStatusCode status 1:1;
01066 };
01068 struct ns__addObjectToCollectionResponseResult {
01069         struct ns__addObjectToCollectionResponse result 1:1;
01070 };
01072 struct ns__GetCollectionByNameResult {
01073         struct ns__CollectionEx collection 1:1;
01074 };
01076 struct ns__GetCollectionByIdResult {
01077         struct ns__CollectionEx collection 1:1;
01078 };
01080 //ENH195687 Web Service Operation to Create Collections 
01081 struct ns__CreateCollectionResponseResult {
01082         xsd__long               nId             1:1;
01083         xsd__string     sName   1:1;
01084         xsd__string     sUrl    1:1;
01085 };
01086 //    getAsyncStatus response definition
01087 struct ns__getAsyncStatusResponse {
01088         struct ns__CmdStatus status 1:1;
01089 };
01091 //    getAsyncStatus response resultdefinition
01092 struct ns__getAsyncStatusResponseResult {
01093         struct ns__getAsyncStatusResponse result 1:1;
01094 };
01096 //    AsyncCreateRtmDoc response definition
01097 struct ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResponse {
01098         xsd__string sCmdToken                                   1:1;
01099         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
01100         struct ns__CmdStatus status                             1:1;
01101 };
01103 struct ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResult {
01104         struct ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResponse result 1:1;
01105 };
01107 //    getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatus response definition
01108 struct ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResponse {
01109         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
01110         struct ns__CmdStatus status                             1:1;
01111 };
01113 struct ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResult {
01114         struct ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResponse result 1:1;
01115 };
01117 //    getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatus  response definition
01118 struct ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResponse {
01119         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
01120         struct ns__CmdStatus status                             1:1;
01121 };
01122 struct ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResult {
01123         struct ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResponse result 1:1;
01124 };
01126 //    AsyncAppendRtmDoc  response definition
01127 struct ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResponse {
01128         xsd__string sCmdToken                                   1:1;
01129         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
01130         struct ns__CmdStatus status                             1:1;
01131 };
01132 struct ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResult {
01133         struct ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResponse result 1:1;
01134 };
01136 //    AsyncReplaceRtmDoc response definition
01137 struct ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResponse {
01138         xsd__string sCmdToken                                   1:1;
01139         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
01140         struct ns__CmdStatus status                             1:1;
01141 };
01143 struct ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResult {
01144         struct ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResponse result 1:1;
01145 };
01147 //    getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatus response definition
01148 struct ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResponse {
01149         struct ns__RtmDocumentProperties info   1:1;
01150         struct ns__CmdStatus status                             1:1;
01151 };
01153 struct ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResult {
01154         struct ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResponse result 1:1;
01155 };
01157 struct ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByIdResult {
01158         struct ns__RtmDocSnapshotOut snapshot 1:1;
01159 };
01161 struct ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByNameResult {
01162         struct ns__RtmDocSnapshotOut snapshot 1:1;
01163 };
01165 struct ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshotResult {
01166         struct ns__RtmDocSnapshotOut snapshot 1:1;
01167 };
01169 //    runTestAsync  response data  definition
01170 struct ns__runTestAsyncResponseData {
01171         xsd__int reflectInt;
01172         xsd__string sReflectString;
01173         xsd__int times56;
01174 };
01176 //    runTestAsync  response definition
01177 struct ns__runTestAsyncResponse {
01178         xsd__string sCmdToken;
01179         struct ns__runTestAsyncResponseData data;
01180         struct ns__CmdStatus status;
01181 };
01183 //    TestAsyncStatus  response definition
01184 struct ns__testAsyncStatusResponse {
01185         struct ns__runTestAsyncResponseData data;
01186         struct ns__CmdStatus status;
01187 };
01189 struct ns__runTestAsyncResponseResult {
01190         struct ns__runTestAsyncResponse result 1:1;
01191 };
01193 struct ns__getTestAsyncStatusResponseResult {
01194         struct ns__testAsyncStatusResponse result 1:1;
01195 };
01197 struct ns__CreateBaselineResult {
01198         xsd__int nId            1:1;
01199         xsd__int nStatus        1:1;
01200         xsd__string sUrl        1:1;
01201 };
01203 struct ns__DeleteBaselineResult {
01204         xsd__int nStatus        1:1;
01205 };
01207 struct ns__CMNotificationsResult {
01208         xsd__int nValue         1:1;
01209 };
01211 struct ns__ObjectDetails {
01212         xsd__int nObjectId      1:1;
01213         xsd__string sPUID       1:1;
01214         struct ns__NameValueList ObjAttrs 0:1;
01215 };
01217 struct ns__ObjectDetailsList {
01218         struct ns__ObjectDetails *__ptr; //All the objects of the same relationship
01219         xsd__int __size;                                        //Number of ns_ObjectDetails
01220 };
01222 struct ns__RelationWithObjects {
01223         xsd__int nRelationType          1:1; //Primary - 1, Secondary - 2
01224         xsd__int nRelationId            1:1;
01225         xsd__string sRelationName       1:1;
01226         struct ns__ObjectDetailsList ObjList 0:1;
01227 };
01229 struct ns__RelationList {
01230         struct ns__RelationWithObjects *__ptr; 
01231         xsd__int __size;                        
01232 };
01234 struct ns__LinkListEx {
01235         struct ns__ObjectDetails sourceObjDetails 1:1;
01236         struct ns__RelationList relations 0:1;
01237 };
01239 int ns__ApproveChangeRequest(xsd__string sessionId      1:1,
01240                                                          xsd__string className  1:1,
01241                                                          xsd__long   requestId  1:1,
01242                                                          struct ns__ApproveChangeRequestResult& result);
01244 int ns__RejectChangeRequest(xsd__string sessionId       1:1,
01245                                                         xsd__string className   1:1,
01246                                                         xsd__long   requestId   1:1,
01247                                                         xsd__string reason              1:1,
01248                                                         struct ns__RejectChangeRequestResult& result);
01250 //  getAsyncQueryRtmDocResponse response definition
01251 struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResponse {
01252         xsd__string sCmdToken                   1:1;
01253         struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc   1:1;
01254         struct ns__CmdStatus status             1:1;
01255 };
01257 struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResult {
01258         struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResponse result 1:1;
01259 };
01261 //  getAsyncQueryRtmDocResponse response definition
01262 struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResponse {
01263         struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc   1:1;
01264         struct ns__CmdStatus status             1:1;
01265 };
01267 struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResult {
01268         struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResponse result 1:1;
01269 };
01270 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: Retrieve category information. See ns__CategoryEx. 
01271 //Additional field nParentId contains:
01272 // 0 if the category at the root level.
01273 // Otherwise it is an immediate parent ID if parentLevel is 0
01274 // or top parent ID at specified by parentLevel parameter level
01275 int ns__GetCategoryById(xsd__string sessionId   1:1,
01276                                                 xsd__long   categoryId  1:1,
01277                                                 xsd__long   parentLevel 0:1,
01278                                                 struct ns__CategoryEx& result);
01280 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: Retrieve category information. See ns__Category. 
01281 //sDisplayName(required) is full path of category name.
01282 int ns__GetCategoryByDisplayName(xsd__string sessionId          1:1,
01283                                                                  xsd__string sDisplayName       1:1,
01284                                                                  struct ns__CategoryResult& result);
01309 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: Login Login into RTM - use returned sessionId for subsequent calls.
01310 int ns__Login(xsd__string sUserId               0:1,
01311                           xsd__string sPassword         0:1,
01312                           xsd__string sProjectName      1:1,
01313                           xsd__string sDatabase         1:1,
01314                           struct ns__LoginResult& result);
01340 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: LoginEx Login into RTM and return if it was admin login along with sessionId.
01341 int ns__LoginEx(xsd__string sUserId                     0:1,
01342                                 xsd__string sPassword           0:1,
01343                                 xsd__string sProjectName        1:1,
01344                                 xsd__string sDatabase           1:1,
01345                                 struct ns__LoginExResult& result);
01370 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: LoginByProjectId Login into RTM - use returned sessionId for subsequent calls.
01371 int ns__LoginByProjectId(xsd__string sUserId            0:1,
01372                                                  xsd__string sPassword          0:1,
01373                                                  xsd__int nProjectId            1:1,
01374                                                  xsd__string sDatabase          1:1,
01375                                                  struct ns__LoginByProjectIdResult& result);
01397 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: Logout Logout of RTM.
01398 int ns__Logout(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
01399                            struct ns__LogoutResult& result);
01420 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryDatabases Return the list of oracle databases.
01421 int ns__QueryDatabases(struct ns__DatabaseList& result);
01446 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryProjects Return the list of defined projects in database.
01447 int ns__QueryProjects(xsd__string sUserId               0:1,
01448                                           xsd__string sPassword         0:1,
01449                                           xsd__string sDatabase         1:1,
01450                                           struct ns__ProjectList& result);
01475 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryProjectsEx Return the list of defined projects in database.
01476 int ns__QueryProjectsEx(xsd__string sUserId             0:1,
01477                                                 xsd__string sPassword   0:1,
01478                                                 xsd__string sDatabase   1:1,
01479                                                 struct ns__ProjectExList& result);
01500 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryClasses Return the list of defined classes in project.
01501 int ns__QueryClasses(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
01502                                          struct ns__ClassDefList& result);
01523 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryClassesEx Return the list of defined classes in project.
01524 int ns__QueryClassesEx(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
01525                                            struct ns__ClassDefExList& result);
01547 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryLinkClasses Return the list of linked classes information in project.
01548 int ns__QueryLinkClasses(xsd__string sessionId  1:1,
01549                                                  xsd__int nClassId              1:1,
01550                                                  struct ns__LinkClassDefList& result);
01575 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryAttributes Return the list of defined attributes in a classe.
01576 int ns__QueryAttributes(xsd__string sessionId   1:1,
01577                                                 xsd__string sClassName  1:1,
01578                                                 struct ns__AttributeDefList& result);
01603 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryAttributesEx Return the list of defined attributes in a classe.
01604 int ns__QueryAttributesEx(xsd__string sessionId         1:1,
01605                                                   xsd__string sClassName        1:1,
01606                                                   struct ns__AttributeDefExList& result);
01627 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QuerySystemInfo Return the system information.
01628 int ns__QuerySystemInfo(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
01629                                                 struct ns__SystemInfoResult& result);
01655 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateObject Creates a RM requirement, given a class id and requirement data
01656 int ns__CreateObject(xsd__string sessionId                              1:1,
01657                                          struct ns__Requirement anObject        1:1,
01658                                          struct ns__CreateObjectResult& result);
01685 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateObjectEx Creates a RM requirement, given a class id and requirement data
01686 int ns__CreateObjectEx(xsd__string sessionId                            1:1,
01687                                            struct ns__Requirement anObject              1:1,
01688                                            xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent   0:1,
01689                                            struct ns__CreateObjectExResult& result);
01717 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateObjectWithAttachment Creates a RM requirement with attachment, given a class id and requirement data
01718 int ns__CreateObjectWithAttachment(xsd__string sessionId                        1:1,
01719                                                                    struct ns__Requirement anObject      1:1,
01720                                                                    xsd__string sAttrName                        0:1,
01721                                                                    struct ns__FileAttachment oFile      0:1,
01722                                                                    struct ns__CreateObjectWithAttachmentResult& result);
01724 // ENH194307 : New  Web Service  method to Replace the RM object with file attachment
01753 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReplaceObjectWithAttachment Replace a RM requirement with attachment, given a class id and requirement data
01754 int ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachment(xsd__string sessionId                               1:1,
01755                                                                         struct ns__Requirement anObject         1:1,
01756                                                                         xsd__string sAttrName                           1:1,
01757                                                                         struct ns__FileAttachment oFile         0:1,
01758                                                                         xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent      0:1,
01759                                                                         struct ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachmentResult& result);
01785 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: UpdateObject Updates a RM requirement with specified requirement data
01786 int ns__UpdateObject(xsd__string sessionId                              1:1,
01787                                          struct ns__Requirement anObject        1:1,
01788                                          struct ns__UpdateObjectResult& result);
01815 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: UpdateObjectEx Updates a RM requirement with specified requirement data
01816 int ns__UpdateObjectEx(xsd__string sessionId                            1:1,
01817                                            struct ns__Requirement anObject              1:1,
01818                                            xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent   0:1,
01819                                            struct ns__UpdateObjectExResult& result);
01845 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReplaceObject Replaces a RM requirement with specified requirement data
01846 int ns__ReplaceObject(xsd__string sessionId                             1:1,
01847                                           struct ns__Requirement anObject       1:1,
01848                                           struct ns__ReplaceObjectResult& result);
01876 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: FindAndReplaceObject Search requirement(s) based on attribute list and replaces those with specified requirement data
01877 int ns__FindAndReplaceObject(xsd__string sessionId                              1:1,
01878                                                          struct ns__Requirement anObject        1:1,
01879                                                          struct ns__NameValueList aAttrList     0:1,
01880                                                          xsd__boolean bCreateIfnotFound         0:1,
01881                                                          struct ns__ReplaceRequirementList& results);
01908 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReplaceObjectEx Replaces a RM requirement with specified requirement data
01909 int ns__ReplaceObjectEx(xsd__string sessionId                           1:1,
01910                                                 struct ns__Requirement anObject         1:1,
01911                                                 xsd__boolean bDontGenerateAlfEvent      0:1,
01912                                                 struct ns__ReplaceObjectExResult& result);
01937 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: DeleteObjects Marks requirements as deleted
01938 int ns__DeleteObjects(xsd__string sessionId                                     1:1,
01939                                           xsd__string sClassName                                1:1,
01940                                           struct ns__StringList aObjectPUIDs    1:1,
01941                                           xsd__boolean& result);
01966 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: RemoveObject RemoveObject Removes a requirement from the database
01967 int ns__RemoveObject(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
01968                                          struct ns__ObjectDef objectDef 1:1,
01969                                          xsd__boolean& result);
01996 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: FindObjects Find objects that match the given search criteria.
01997 int ns__FindObjects(xsd__string sessionId                       1:1,
01998                                         xsd__string sClassName                  1:1,
01999                                         struct ns__StringList aKeywords 0:1,
02000                                         xsd__boolean bSearchFullText    0:1,
02001                                         struct ns__Requirement anExample 0:1,
02002                                         struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1,
02003                                         struct ns__RequirementList& result);
02031 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: FindObjectsInClasses Find objects in classes that match the given search criteria.
02032 int ns__FindObjectsInClasses(xsd__string sessionId                                      1:1,
02033                                                          struct ns__StringList aClassNamesList  0:1,
02034                                                          struct ns__StringList aKeywords                0:1,
02035                                                          xsd__boolean bSearchFullText                   0:1,
02036                                                          struct ns__Requirement anExample               0:1,
02037                                                          struct ns__StringList aAttrList                0:1,
02038                                                          struct ns__RequirementList& result);
02065 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: FindModifiedObjects Find objects that have been modified since the given time\date
02066 int ns__FindModifiedObjects(xsd__string sessionId                               1:1,
02067                                                         xsd__string sClassName                          1:1,
02068                                                         xsd__dateTime nTimestamp                        1:1,
02069                                                         struct ns__StringList aObjectPUIDs      0:1,
02070                                                         struct ns__StringList aAttrList         0:1,
02071                                                         struct ns__RequirementList& results);
02100 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: UpdateObjectAttachment Updates a RM requirement attachment
02101 int ns__UpdateObjectAttachment(xsd__string sessionId                    1:1,
02102                                                            xsd__string sClassName                       1:1,
02103                                                            xsd__string sPUID                            1:1,
02104                                                            xsd__string sAttrName                        1:1,
02105                                                            struct ns__FileAttachment oFile      0:1,
02106                                                            xsd__string& results);
02126 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: PutSharedFile Upload a shared file for access by others
02127 int ns__PutSharedFile(xsd__string sessionId                             1:1,
02128                                           struct ns__FileAttachment oFile       1:1,
02129                                           xsd__int& iFileStorageId);
02131 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: GetSharedFile Download a shared file for local use
02132 int ns__GetSharedFile(xsd__string sessionId                             1:1,
02133                                           xsd__int iFileStorageId                       1:1,
02134                                           struct ns__FileAttachment oFile       1:1,
02135                                           struct ns__FileAttachmentResult& oResult);
02162 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: LinkObjects Link multiple children to a parent object
02163 int ns__LinkObjects(xsd__string sessionId                               1:1,
02164                                         xsd__string sParentClassName            1:1,
02165                                         xsd__string sParentPUID                         1:1,
02166                                         xsd__string sChildClassName                     1:1,
02167                                         struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs       1:1,
02168                                         xsd__string& results);
02195 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: UnlinkObjects Unlink multiple children from a parent object
02196 int ns__UnlinkObjects(xsd__string sessionId                             1:1,
02197                                           xsd__string sParentClassName          1:1,
02198                                           xsd__string sParentPUID                       1:1,
02199                                           xsd__string sChildClassName           1:1,
02200                                           struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs     1:1,
02201                                           xsd__string& results);
02230 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: LinkObjectsEx Link multiple children to a parent object
02231 int ns__LinkObjectsEx(xsd__string sessionId                             1:1,
02232                                           xsd__int nRelationId                          0:1,
02233                                           xsd__string sRelationName                     0:1,
02234                                           xsd__string sParentPUID                       1:1,
02235                                           struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs     1:1,
02236                                           xsd__string& results);
02265 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: UnlinkObjectsEx Unlink multiple children from a parent object
02266 int ns__UnlinkObjectsEx(xsd__string sessionId                           1:1,
02267                                                 xsd__int nRelationId                            0:1,
02268                                                 xsd__string sRelationName                       0:1,
02269                                                 xsd__string sParentPUID                         1:1,
02270                                                 struct ns__StringList aChildPUIDs       1:1,
02271                                                 xsd__string& results);
02294 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListObjectLinks List secondary links for a specified requirement
02295 int ns__ListObjectLinks(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02296                                                 struct ns__Requirement aRequirement 1:1,
02297                                                 struct ns__LinkList& results);
02323 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReadObjectAttachment Read attachment of a requirement                     
02324 int ns__ReadObjectAttachment(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02325                                                          struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1,
02326                                                          xsd__string sAttrName 1:1,
02327                                                          struct ns__ReadObjectAttachmentResult& oResult);
02352 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReadObject Read object information with all the attribute values
02353 int ns__ReadObject(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02354                                    struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1,
02355                                    struct ns__ReadObjectResult& result);
02380 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReadObjects Read object information with all the attribute values
02381 int ns__ReadObjects(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02382                                         struct ns__RequirementIdentifierList requirements 1:1,
02383                                         struct ns__RequirementList& result);
02408 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReadObjectEx Read object information with all the attribute values
02409 int ns__ReadObjectEx(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02410                                          struct ns__RequirementIdentifier aRequirement 1:1,
02411                                          xsd__boolean detagHtmlAttributes 0:1,
02412                                          struct ns__ReadObjectExResult& result);
02436 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: SendCMNotifications Send notifications to CM
02437 int ns__SendCMNotifications(xsd__string sessionId       1:1,
02438                                                         xsd__string CMUserId    1:1,
02439                                                         xsd__string CMPassword  1:1,
02440                                                         struct ns__CMNotificationsResult& result);
02442 //****************************************************************************
02443 //*      Import tool template methods
02444 //*****************************************************************************
02449 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListTemplates Get a list of document templates in the project.
02450 int ns__ListTemplates(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02451                                           struct ns__TemplateList& result);
02456 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: FindTemplate Get a document template specified by id
02457 int ns__FindTemplate(xsd__string sessionId      1:1,
02458                                          xsd__int id                    1:1,
02459                                          struct ns__TemplateList& result);
02466 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateTemplate Create a new project document template.
02467 int ns__CreateTemplate(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02468                                            struct ns__Template docTemplate 1:1,
02469                                            struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1,
02470                                            struct ns__CreateTemplateResponse& result);
02477 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: DeleteTemplate Delete the project template specified by template id
02478 int ns__DeleteTemplate(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02479                                            xsd__int id 1:1,
02480                                            struct ns__DeleteTemplateResponse& result);
02487 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: GetTemplateFile Get the template file of the template specified by template id
02488 int ns__GetTemplateFile(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02489                                                 xsd__int id 1:1,
02490                                                 struct xsd__base64Binary &result);
02499 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: UpdateTemplateFile Replace the template file of the template specified by template id
02500 int ns__UpdateTemplateFile(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02501                                                    xsd__int id 1:1,
02502                                                    struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1,
02503                                                    xsd__int &result);
02514 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: UpdateTemplate Update the template name, filename, and description fields and the template file.
02515 int ns__UpdateTemplate(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02516                                            struct ns__Template docTemplate 1:1,
02517                                            struct xsd__base64Binary encodedContent 0:1,
02518                                            xsd__int &result);
02520 //****************************************************************************
02521 //*
02522 //*    RtmDocument webservice methods
02523 //*
02524 //****************************************************************************
02529 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListRtmDocuments Get a list of rtm documents in the project.
02530 int ns__ListRtmDocuments(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02531                                                  struct ns__RtmDocumentList& result);
02536 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: FindRtmDocument Get a document specified by id
02537 int ns__FindRtmDocument(xsd__string sessionId   1:1,
02538                                                 xsd__int id                             1:1,
02539                                                 struct ns__RtmDocumentList& result);
02546 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateRtmDocument Create a new project rtm document.
02547 int ns__CreateRtmDocument(xsd__string sessionId                 1:1,
02548                                                   struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1,
02549                                                   struct ns__CreateRtmDocumentResponse& result);
02556 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: AppendRtmDocument Append an rtm document to an existing document.
02557 int ns__AppendRtmDocument(xsd__string sessionId                 1:1,
02558                                                   xsd__int id                                   1:1,
02559                                                   struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1,
02560                                                   struct ns__AppendRtmDocumentResponse& response);
02567 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: DeleteRtmDocument Delete the rtm document specified by template id
02568 int ns__DeleteRtmDocument(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02569                                                   xsd__int id                   1:1,
02570                                                   struct ns__DeleteRtmDocumentResponse& result);
02597 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: RTMDocumentRemoveRequirement Marks requirements as removed from the Document.
02598 int ns__RTMDocumentRemoveRequirement(xsd__string        sessionId               1:1,
02599                                                                          xsd__int               nDocument_id    1:1,
02600                                                                          xsd__int               nChapter_id             1:1,
02601                                                                          xsd__string    sClassName              1:1,
02602                                                                          xsd__int               nObject_id              1:1,
02603                                                                          struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse& result);
02629 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: RTMDocumentAddChapter The New Chapter Shall be added after the Existing Chapter at the same level.
02630 int ns__RTMDocumentAddChapter(xsd__string       sessionId                               1:1,
02631                                                           xsd__int              nDocument_id                    1:1,
02632                                                           xsd__int              nExistChapter_id                1:1,
02633                                                           struct ns_chapterDetails chapterName  1:1,
02634                                                           struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse& result);
02662 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: RTMDocumentAddRequirement The Requirement Shall be added in the Existing Chapter.  
02663 int ns__RTMDocumentAddRequirement(xsd__string   sessionId               1:1,
02664                                                                   xsd__int              nDocument_id    1:1,
02665                                                                   xsd__int              nChapter_id             0:1,
02666                                                                   xsd__string   sClassName              0:1,
02667                                                                   xsd__int              nObject_id              0:1,
02668                                                                   struct ns__Requirement anObject 0:1,
02669                                                                   struct ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse& result);
02671 //***************************************************************************
02672 //*
02673 //*    Async. rtmDocument webservice methods
02674 //*
02675 //***************************************************************************
02682 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: getAsyncStatus Get status from an asyncronous commmand
02683 int ns__getAsyncStatus(xsd__string cmdToken 1:1,
02684                                            struct ns__getAsyncStatusResponseResult& result);
02691 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: AsyncCreateRtmDoc Create a new project rtm document.
02692 int ns__AsyncCreateRtmDoc(xsd__string sessionId                 1:1,
02693                                                   struct ns__RtmDocument rtmDoc 1:1,
02694                                                   struct ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResult& result);
02701 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatus Get status from the  async. test commmand
02702 int ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatus(xsd__string cmdToken 1:1,
02703                                                                    struct ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResult& result);
02710 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: AsyncAppendRtmDoc Append an rtm document to an existing document.
02711 int ns__AsyncAppendRtmDoc(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02712                                                   xsd__int id                   1:1,
02713                                                   xsd__string sContent  1:1,
02714                                                   struct ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResult& result);
02721 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatus Get status from the  async. test commmand
02722 int ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatus(xsd__string cmdToken 1:1,
02723                                                                    struct ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResult& result);
02730 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: AsyncReplaceRtmDoc Replace an existing project rtm document.
02731 int ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDoc(xsd__string sessionId        1:1,
02732                                                    xsd__int id                          1:1,
02733                                                    xsd__string sContent         1:1,
02734                                                    struct ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResult& result);
02741 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatus Get status from the  async. test commmand
02742 int ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatus(xsd__string cmdToken 1:1,
02743                                                                         struct ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResult& result);
02745 //***********************************************************************
02746 //*    rtmDocSnapshot webservice commands
02747 //**********************************************************************
02752 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: GetRtmDocSnapshotById Retrieve document snapshot information by id. See ns__RtmDocSnapshot.
02753 int ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotById(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02754                                                           xsd__int id 1:1,
02755                                                           struct ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByIdResult& result);
02760 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: GetRtmDocSnapshotByName Retrieve document snapshot information by name. See ns__RtmDocSnapshot.
02761 int ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByName(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02762                                                                 xsd__string name 1:1,
02763                                                                 struct ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByNameResult& result);
02768 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateRtmDocSnapshot Creates document snapshot by document id. See ns__RtmDocSnapshot.
02769 int ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshot(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02770                                                          struct ns__RtmDocSnapshot snapshot 1:1,
02771                                                          struct ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshotResult& result);
02773 //***********************************************************************
02774 //*    Testing Async. webservice commands
02775 //**********************************************************************
02782 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: runTestAsync Run the async. test commmand
02783 int ns__runTestAsync(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02784                                          struct ns__runTestAsyncInputData 1:1,
02785                                          struct ns__runTestAsyncResponseResult& result);
02792 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: getTestAsyncStatus Get status from the  async. test commmand
02793 int ns__getTestAsyncStatus(xsd__string cmdToken 1:1,
02794                                                    struct ns__getTestAsyncStatusResponseResult& result);
02796 //***************************************************************************
02797 //*
02798 //*    Category webservice methods
02799 //*
02800 //***************************************************************************
02805 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListRootCategories Get a list of top-level categories in the project.
02806 int ns__ListRootCategories(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02807                                                    struct ns__CategoryList& result);
02812 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListCategories Get a list of child categories for the given parent category.
02813 int ns__ListCategories(xsd__string sessionId    1:1,
02814                                            xsd__long   categoryId       1:1,
02815                                            struct ns__CategoryList& result);
02820 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListAllAllowedCategories Get a list of all allowed categories for the project.
02821 int ns__ListAllAllowedCategories(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02822                                                                  struct ns__CategoryList& result);
02848 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateCategory Creates a RM category, given a category name, description and parent category id.
02849 int ns__CreateCategory(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02850                                            struct ns__CategoryReq CategoryReq 1:1,
02851                                            struct ns__createCategoryResponse& result);
02853 //***************************************************************************
02854 //*
02855 //*    Collection webservice methods
02856 //*
02857 //***************************************************************************
02865 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListCollections Get a list of collection names in the project.
02866 int ns__ListCollections(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02867                                                 struct ns__CollectionList& result);
02875 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListCollectionsEx Get a list of collections in the project.
02876 int ns__ListCollectionsEx(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02877                                                   struct ns__CollectionExList& result);
02885 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ListCollectionsEx2 Get a list of collections in the project.
02886 int ns__ListCollectionsEx2(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02887                                                    struct ns__CollectionEx2List& result);
02896 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: GetCollectionByName Get a collection specified by name
02897 int ns__GetCollectionByName(xsd__string sessionId               1:1,
02898                                                         xsd__string collection_name     1:1,
02899                                                         struct ns__GetCollectionByNameResult& result);
02908 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: GetCollectionById Get a collection specified by collection
02909 int ns__GetCollectionById(xsd__string sessionId         1:1,
02910                                                   xsd__int collection_id        1:1,
02911                                                   struct ns__GetCollectionByIdResult& result);
02922 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: AddObjectToCollection Add an object to a collection
02923 int ns__AddObjectToCollection(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
02924                                                           struct ns__RequirementIdentifier objectIdentifier 1:1,
02925                                                           xsd__string collectionName 1:1,
02926                                                           struct ns__addObjectToCollectionResponseResult& result);
02952 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: GetObjectsInCollection  Get objects in the given collection.
02953 int ns__GetObjectsInCollection(xsd__string      sessionId                       1:1,
02954                                                            xsd__int collectionId                        1:1,
02955                                                            xsd__boolean bDetagDescription       0:1,
02956                                                            struct ns__StringList aAttrList      0:1,
02957                                                            struct ns__RequirementList& results);
02984 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: GetObjectsInCollections  Get objects in the given collections.
02985 int ns__GetObjectsInCollections(xsd__string sessionId                   1:1,
02986                                                                 struct ns__IdList collectionIds 1:1,
02987                                                                 xsd__boolean bDetagDescription  0:1,
02988                                                                 struct ns__StringList aAttrList 0:1,
02989                                                                 struct ns__RequirementList& results);
03019 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: FindObjectsInCollections  Find objects in the given collections.
03020 int ns__FindObjectsInCollections(xsd__string sessionId                                          1:1,
03021                                                                  struct ns__IdList collectionIds                        1:1,
03022                                                                  struct ns__SearchRequirement aSearchAttr       0:1,
03023                                                                  struct ns__StringList aKeywords                        0:1,
03024                                                                  xsd__boolean bSearchFullText                           0:1,
03025                                                                  xsd__boolean bDetagDescription                         0:1,
03026                                                                  struct ns__StringList aReturnAttrList          0:1,
03027                                                                  struct ns__RequirementFindList& results);
03029 //ENH195687 Web Service Operation to Create Collections 
03055 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateCollection  Creates an empty collections.
03056 int ns__CreateCollection(xsd__string sessionId 1:1,
03057                                                  struct ns__CreateCollectionEx collectionName 1:1,
03058                                                  xsd__string sCategoryFullName 0:1,
03059                                                  struct ns__CreateCollectionResponseResult& result);
03083 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: CreateBaseline  Create a baseline with given requirements and associate it to a CM baseline
03084 int ns__CreateBaseline(xsd__string sessionId                    1:1,
03085                                            xsd__string sName                            1:1,
03086                                            xsd__int nCmSourceBaselineUid        1:1,
03087                                            struct ns__RequirementIdentifierList requirements 1:1,
03088                                            struct ns__CreateBaselineResult& result);
03109 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: DeleteBaseline  Delete a baseline
03110 int ns__DeleteBaseline(xsd__string sessionId    1:1,
03111                                            xsd__int nBaselineId         1:1,
03112                                            struct ns__DeleteBaselineResult& result);
03114 //**************************************************************************
03115 //*
03116 //* SyncXref routines
03117 //*
03118 //***************************************************************************
03141 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: AddSyncXrefLink Adds a link to Sync_Xref table
03142 int ns__AddSyncXrefLink(xsd__string sessionId                   1:1,
03143                                                 struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref   1:1,
03144                                                 xsd__boolean& result);
03168 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: DeleteSyncXrefLink Deletes a link from Sync_Xref table
03169 int ns__DeleteSyncXrefLink(xsd__string sessionId                        1:1,
03170                                                    struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref        1:1,
03171                                                    xsd__boolean& result);
03195 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReadSyncXrefLink Reads a link from Sync_Xref table
03196 int ns__ReadSyncXrefLink(xsd__string sessionId                  1:1,
03197                                                  struct ns__SyncXrefLink aXref  1:1,
03198                                                  struct ns__SyncXrefLinkList& result);
03200 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: FindLinkedObjects returns links with linked requirements (current state or specified state) for a specified requirement
03201 int ns__FindLinkedObjects(xsd__string sessionId                         1:1,
03202                                                   xsd__string sClassName                        1:1,
03203                                                   xsd__int nObjectId                            1:1,
03204                                                   xsd__string sStatus                           0:1,
03205                                                   struct ns__StringList aAttrList       0:1,
03206                                                   struct ns__LinkListEx& result);
03219 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ReadSyncXrefLink Returns if sso enabled in login sources
03220 int ns__IsSSOLoginEnabled(xsd__string sDatabase 1:1,
03221                                                   xsd__boolean& result);
03245 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: QueryRtmDocumentStructure Creates an XML representing RM Document structure.
03246 int ns__QueryRtmDocumentStructure(xsd__string sessionId         1:1,
03247                                                                   xsd__int nDocId                       1:1,
03248                                                                   xsd__int nChapterId           0:1,
03249                                                                   xsd__boolean bIncludeReq      0:1,
03250                                                                   struct ns__RtmDocumentOut& rtmDocOut);
03257 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: AsyncQueryRtmDoc Creates an XML representing RM Document structure.
03258 int ns__AsyncQueryRtmDoc(xsd__string sessionId          1:1,
03259                                                  xsd__int nDocId                        1:1,
03260                                                  xsd__int nChapterId            0:1,
03261                                                  xsd__boolean bIncludeReq       0:1,
03262                                                  struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResult& result);
03269 //gsoap ns service method-documentation: ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocStatus Get status from the  async. test commmand
03270 int ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocStatus(xsd__string cmdToken 1:1,
03271                                                                   struct ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResult& result);
03274 #endif /*_RTMSERVICE_H_HEADER_*/
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