Dimensions RM
ns__addObjectToCollectionResponse | |
ns__addObjectToCollectionResponseResult | |
ns__AppendRtmDocumentResponse | |
ns__AppendRtmDocumentResult | |
ns__ApproveChangeRequestResult | |
ns__ApproveRequirementResult | Holds information about a Dimensions RM document properties structure |
ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResponse | |
ns__AsyncAppendRtmDocResult | |
ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResponse | |
ns__AsyncCreateRtmDocResult | |
ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResponse | |
ns__AsyncReplaceRtmDocResult | |
ns__AttributeDef | Holds information about a Dimensions RM attribute definition |
ns__AttributeDefEx | Holds information about the extended definition of a Dimensions RM attribute |
ns__AttributeDefExList | Holds information about an extended definition of a Dimensions RM attribute list |
ns__AttributeDefList | Holds information about the Dimensions RM attribute definition list |
ns__Category | Holds information about a Dimensions RM category properties structure |
ns__CategoryEx | |
ns__CategoryList | Holds information about a Dimensions RM category array return definition |
ns__CategoryReq | Holds input information for create a new category |
ns__CategoryResult | |
ns__ClassDef | Holds information about a Dimensions RM class definition |
ns__ClassDefEx | Holds information about the extended definition of a Dimensions RM class |
ns__ClassDefExList | Holds information about the extended definition list of a Dimensions RM class |
ns__ClassDefList | Holds information about a Dimensions RM class definition list |
ns__CmdStatus | |
ns__CMNotificationsResult | |
ns__CollectionEx | Holds information about a detailed collection structure |
ns__CollectionEx2 | Holds information about a detailed collection structure |
ns__CollectionEx2List | Holds information about a list of collections from Dimensions RM Web services |
ns__CollectionExList | Holds information about a list of collections from Dimensions RM Web services |
ns__CollectionList | Holds information about a list of collection names |
ns__CollectionTransferRules | Holds transfer rules for a collection |
ns__CollectionTransferRulesEx | |
ns__CommandStatus | Holds information about command status structure |
ns__CreateBaselineResult | |
ns__createCategoryResponse | |
ns__CreateCollectionEx | Holds information about a detailed collection structure |
ns__CreateCollectionResponseResult | |
ns__CreateObjectExResult | |
ns__CreateObjectResult | |
ns__CreateObjectWithAttachmentResult | |
ns__CreateRtmDocSnapshotResult | |
ns__CreateRtmDocumentResponse | |
ns__CreateRtmDocumentResult | |
ns__CreateTemplateResponse | |
ns__DatabaseList | Holds information about the list of databases |
ns__DeleteBaselineResult | |
ns__DeleteRtmDocumentResponse | |
ns__DeleteTemplateResponse | |
ns__FileAttachment | Holds information about a file attachment |
ns__FileAttachmentResult | |
ns__FindRequirementOut | Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement |
ns__FormatDef | Holds information about the Dimensions RM attribute format constraint |
ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResponse | |
ns__getAsyncAppendRtmDocStatusResult | |
ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResponse | |
ns__getAsyncCreateRtmDocStatusResult | |
ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResponse | |
ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocResult | |
ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResponse | |
ns__getAsyncQueryRtmDocumentStatusResult | |
ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResponse | |
ns__getAsyncReplaceRtmDocStatusResult | |
ns__getAsyncStatusResponse | |
ns__getAsyncStatusResponseResult | |
ns__GetCollectionByIdResult | |
ns__GetCollectionByNameResult | |
ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByIdResult | |
ns__GetRtmDocSnapshotByNameResult | |
ns__getTestAsyncStatusResponseResult | |
ns__IdList | Holds the information about list of ids |
ns__Link | Holds information about a Dimensions RM link |
ns__LinkClassDef | Holds information about a Dimensions RM link class definition |
ns__LinkClassDefList | Holds information about a Dimensions RM linked class definition |
ns__LinkList | Holds information about a Dimensions RM link array return definition |
ns__LinkListEx | |
ns__LoginByProjectIdResult | |
ns__LoginExResult | |
ns__LoginExResultInfo | |
ns__LoginResult | |
ns__LogoutResult | |
ns__NameValue | Holds the information about a name/value pair |
ns__NameValueList | Holds information about a list of name/value pairs |
ns__ObjectDef | Holds information about a Dimensions RM object definition |
ns__ObjectDetails | |
ns__ObjectDetailsList | |
ns__ProjectEx | Holds information about the extended definition of a Dimensions RM class |
ns__ProjectExList | Holds information about the extended definition list of a Dimensions RM class |
ns__ProjectList | Holds information about the list of projects |
ns__ReadObjectAttachmentResult | |
ns__ReadObjectExResult | |
ns__ReadObjectResult | |
ns__RejectChangeRequestResult | |
ns__RejectRequirementResult | Holds information about a Dimensions RM document properties structure |
ns__RelationList | |
ns__RelationWithObjects | |
ns__ReplaceObjectExResult | |
ns__ReplaceObjectResult | |
ns__ReplaceObjectWithAttachmentResult | |
ns__ReplaceRequirementList | |
ns__ReplaceRequirementOut | |
ns__Requirement | Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement |
ns__RequirementFindList | Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement list |
ns__RequirementIdentifier | Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement identifier |
ns__RequirementIdentifierList | Holds information about a Dimensions RM Requirement Identifier list |
ns__RequirementList | Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement list |
ns__RequirementOut | Holds information about a Dimensions RM requirement |
ns__RtmDocSnapshot | Holds input for CreateRtmDocSnapshot method |
ns__RtmDocSnapshotOut | |
ns__RtmDocument | |
ns__RtmDocumentList | |
ns__RtmDocumentOut | |
ns__RtmDocumentProperties | Holds information about a Dimensions RM document properties structure |
ns__RTMDocumentRequirementResponse | |
ns__runTestAsyncInputData | |
ns__runTestAsyncResponse | |
ns__runTestAsyncResponseData | |
ns__runTestAsyncResponseResult | |
ns__SearchRequirement | Search criteria about a Dimensions RM requirement |
ns__StatusMessage | Holds information about a status message |
ns__StatusMessageList | Holds information about status message array return definition |
ns__StringList | Holds the information about list of strings |
ns__SyncXrefLink | |
ns__SyncXrefLinkList | |
ns__SystemInfo | Holds information about the Dimensions RM system information properties structure |
ns__SystemInfoResult | |
ns__Template | Holds information about a Dimensions RM document template properties structure |
ns__TemplateList | Holds information about a Dimensions RM document template array return definition |
ns__testAsyncStatusResponse | |
ns__UpdateObjectExResult | |
ns__UpdateObjectResult | |
ns_chapterDetails | |
xsd__base64Binary | Contains the file buffer contents that are to be Base-64 encoded |