A Typical Sequence

Although there is no set order, a typical sequence for configuring Deployment Automation elements and deploying artifacts is as follows:

  1. Create components and set your source configuration type and version import approach. The source configuration type points to where the artifacts for which you are defining the component are stored, and you can choose to import the artifacts into Deployment Automation CodeStation automatically or manually.

  2. Create and design component processes, defining the processes you want performed on target machines before, during, and after deployment of the component artifacts.

  3. Create and configure environments, assigning resources, such as agents, to environments.

  4. Create and configure pipelines, sequencing environments and adding approvals.

  5. Create an application, selecting the pipeline it will use.

  6. Add components to the application.

  7. Add any additional environments to the application that are not included in the pipeline and map components to the environment resources they will use.

  8. Create and design an application process to control the deployment. An application process typically initiates multiple component processes.

  9. Request the application process to deploy the components.

Related Topics

User Interface Overview

Managing Components

Managing Environments

Managing Applications

Adding Environments to Applications

Mapping Application Components to Resources

Deployment Overview