General Notification Settings

The following options are available on the General page when you add or edit a notification or escalation:

For details about working with scheduled report notifications, see Scheduled Report Notification Settings.

General Settings

  • Escalation

    Select this check box if the notification will be sent as an escalation notification. In other words, the notification will be selected from the Invoke list on the Escalation tab for a standard notification. For details, refer to Creating Escalation Notifications.

  • Name

    Indicates the unique name for the notification, which appears in the e-mail message if the $NOTIFICATION() e-mail template tag is included in the template used by the notification. For details, refer to $NOTIFICATION().

  • Description

    Optional descriptive information about the notification.

  • Action

    Indicates one of the following actions taken by the notification when its rule conditions become true:

    • No Action

      Select this option to disable actions for the notification or escalation.

    • Send Broadcast Channel

      Select this option to send e-mail messages using one or more broadcast channels (which are not bound to a specific user). For example, after you create a broadcast channel in the Channels view, you can select the new channel in the notification, and specify a user account that limits the message details according to the user's privileges. For details, refer to Broadcast Channel Action Options.

    • Send E-mail/User Channel

      Select this option to send messages to users by e-mail and optionally, one or more user channels. This action sends an e-mail message to subscribed users, and enables you to specify the fields that should appear in e-mail messages. To send messages to users via a user channel as well, you must add one or more channels to the notification. For details about sending e-mail messages, refer to E-mail and User Channel Action Options and E-mail Field Settings. For details about sending messages via a user channel, see E-mail and User Channel Action Options.

    • Add Items to Folders

      Select this option to add item links to folders. For example, you can add item links to a team's folder when a member of the team becomes the owner of an item. For details, refer to Folder Action Options.

    • Remove Items From Folders

      Select this option to remove item links from folders. For example, if you use a notification to add item links to a team's folder when a member of the team becomes the owner of an item, you can use another notification to remove links from the folder when the team member is no longer responsible for the item. For details, refer to Folder Action Options.

    • Raise Event

      Select this option to execute an event as a specific user in connection with the item that triggered the notification. For example, you can have the system send an event to the Orchestration Engine, which can then execute an orchestration workflow when a notification rule becomes true. The change history will show that the changes were invoked by the user that you specified. For details, refer to Raise Event.

    • Run Script

      (On-premise only.) Select this option to run a script. Run a script imported into SBM Composer and deployed to this environment when a notification rule becomes true. The script is executed once for each user subscribed to the notification. Each time the script is executed, Shell.User is set to the user name. If no users are subscribed to the notification, the script is executed only once and Shell.User will be blank. For details, refer to Script Action Options.

    • Run Transition

      Select this option to perform a transition as a specific user against the item that triggered the notification. For example, when the item reaches a certain state, you can have the system perform a transition against the item when a notification rule becomes true. The change history will show that the transition was executed by the user that you specified. For details, refer to Run Transition.

    • Run Web Service

      Select this option to call a Web service function. You must first import a Web service definition or WSDL, into SBM Composer, and deploy the associated application to this environment. For details, refer to Web Service Action Options.

    • Run ChatOps Command

      Select this option to execute a ChatOps command such as Archive Item Channel. For example, if an item is sent to the Resolved state during a chat session, a notification can fire that saves the chat to the Notes section of the work item automatically instead of requiring a user in the chat to issue the archive command manually. For details, refer to ChatOps Command Options.

      For details on the ChatOps integration, refer to ChatOps Integration.

  • When
    Select the rule that causes the notification to generate. For details, refer to About Rules and Conditions and Creating Rules.
    Tip: To create a rule for the notification, click the plus sign. To edit the notification assigned to a rule, click the edit icon.

Broadcast Channel Action Options

When you select Send Broadcast Channel from the Action list, the following options are available:

E-mail and User Channel Action Options

When you select Send E-mail/User Channel from the Action list, the following options are available:

Folder Action Options

When you select Add Item To Folder or Remove Item From Folder from the Action list, you must choose a shared folder, Knowledge Base folder, or a system folder from the Destination Folder list. Shared folders and Knowledge Base folders are created in Work Center. Folders must be configured to allow items to be added to them and users need a role to view items in the folders to see the item links.

Raise Event

When you select Raise Event from the Action list, the following options are available:

Script Action Options

When you select Run Script from the Action list, the following options are available:

Run Transition

When you select Run Transition from the Action list, the following options are available:

Web Service Action Options

When you select Run Web Service from the Action list, the following options are available:
  • Select Function

    Click to select a Web service function that has been imported into SBM Composer and deployed to this environment.

  • Map Inputs/Outputs
    Once you have a Web service function selected, click this button to map inputs and outputs. For details, refer to:
  • Retry Every n Cycles

    Specify the number of cycles that should elapse before the Notification Server retries the notification.

  • Quit After n Attempts

    With the Retry Every n Cycles check box selected, specify a number of attempts the Notification Server should retry to process the script or Web service. The Notification Server will stop attempting when the notification is successfully executed. By default, the Notification Server will stop retrying the notification after one attempt.

ChatOps Command Options

When you select Run ChatOps Command from the Action list, the following options are available: