Scheduled Report Notification Settings

The following options are available on the General page when you edit a scheduled report notification:

General Settings

  • Name

    Indicates the unique name for the notification, which is used to uniquely identify a scheduled report by user name and and report name.

  • Description

    Optional descriptive information about the notification.

E-mail Options

A new scheduled report notification is created for each report that your users schedule. All scheduled report e-mail notifications can use the same e-mail template, or you can customize the e-mail template for each scheduled report that your users create.

You can manage templates from the global Templates view (Global Mailbox View) or for a specific scheduled report notification. If you create a global template, you must assign the template to specific scheduled report notification.

Important: The scheduled report e-mail templates are used to inform the recipient that report succeeded or failed to run. Therefore, all of the scheduled report e-mail template tags must be present in the e-mail template.

On Scheduled Report Failure

If an error occurs while creating a scheduled report PDF, or if there is a problem with an e-mail address or the SMTP server, you can have the notification server try to send the scheduled report notification again according to the following options:

Scheduled Report Notification Properties

By default, scheduled tabular reports will not display results in the PDF if there are more than 20 columns returned. To change the maximum columns allowed, follow these steps:

  1. Open the following file on the SBM Server that hosts the Notification Server: installDir\SBM\Common\tomcat\server\default\webapps\notificationsrv\WEB-INF\classes\
  2. Change the following property as needed:


  3. Save the file. The change is applied without having to restart Tomcat.
Note: Allowing too many columns to be returned can cause the PDF report to be unreadable.