E-mail Setup → E-mail Templates → E-mail Template Tags → Notification Tags
Notification tags can only be used in Notification e-mail templates.
Several Notification template tags are conditional tags. The condition for each of these tags is placed between parentheses after the $IF statement. The conditional tags can be used with $ELSE() and $ENDIF() tags to tailor the content of the e-mail message depending on whether the condition is true or false.
Adds all files attached to an item to the e-mail notification.
Attachments must be stored in the SBM database and not on the file system. (This setting is applied in SBM System Administrator.)
Files are not attached to messages if their combined size exceeds the limit specified in SBM Configurator.
Adds a comma-separated list of subscribers to the e-mail notification.
installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Common\Tomcat 7.0\server\default\webapps\ →notificationsrv\WEB-INF\classes
event.allrecipients.maxsize=3In this example, the list in the notification shows the first three subscribers, followed by ellipses:
Hans Tester (hans@serena.com), Chad Support (chad@serena.com), Administrator (admin@serena.com),...
Hans Tester (hans@serena.com), Chad Support (chad@serena.com), Administrator (admin@serena.com), Bill Admin (bill@serena.com)
Returns the action and user that caused the notification to be generated, along with the date and time the action occurred.
Change action examples include state changes, item updates, and attachment additions. Date and time action occurred is also returned.
Change actions are only sent to users who have privileges to view the change history for the item on which the notification is based. For delayed escalations, changes may not be available.
Returns the change history entries for an item.
Change history records are only sent to users who have privileges to view the change history for the item on which the notification is based. For delayed escalations, changes may not be available.
Insert the number of change history entries to return between the parentheses. If you do not specify a number in the parameter, all transitions and changed data are returned.
Result for HTML template:
<style media="screen" type="text/css"> table.serena_ns_changes_table {border: thin solid black;background-color:#0000ff;} tr.serena_ns_changes_tr {background-color:#ff0000;} td.serena_ns_changes_td_field {background-color:#777777;} td.serena_ns_changes_td {background-color:#ffffff;} </style> $CHANGES() </body> </html>
Adds transition tokens to notification messages as discussed in E-mail Responses.
Add an $EMAILRESPONSE() tag for each e-mail response in a notification. Each response tag adds a unique token to the notification that represents a transition to be executed.
The following parameters are available:
Use the Email parameter to allow users to reply to the notification with a simple word that matches one of the aliases defined in the e-mail response. For example, when Bill receives an e-mail requesting his approval, he can reply to the message with a simple "Yes" or "No" and SBM will execute the matching Approve or Reject transition once his reply is received by the Mail Client. You configure the aliases and their matching transitions in the E-mail Responses tab of a notification.
Use the Mailto parameter to allow users to click a link in the notification that pre-fills a reply with the Mail Client e-mail address and required token information. For example, a user can click an "approve" link, click send, and then the Mail Client will parse the reply and execute the matching Approve transition that is configured on the E-mail Responses tab of a notification.
For HTML e-mail templates, you can insert the name of the e-mail response, followed by External or Internal. These parameters correspond to the Web server links that you configure for the Notification Server in SBM Configurator.
<body> Reply to this e-mail with a YES or NO answer to approve or reject the request. Otherwise, the response with the highest priority is used. <div> $EMAILRESPONSE(Approve,Email) </div> <div> $EMAILRESPONSE(Reject,Email) </div>
<body> Click one of the following links to approve or reject, and then send the e-mail. <div> $EMAILRESPONSE(Approve,Mailto) </div> <div> $EMAILRESPONSE(Reject,Mailto) </div>
You can style the links that are created by the Mailto parameter using a defined css class in the template. For example:
<style type="text/css"> .linkcolor1 { color: #0000FF } </style> <body> Click one of the following links to approve or reject, and then send the e-mail. <div> $EMAILRESPONSE(Approve,Mailto, class=”linkcolor1”)) </div> <div> $EMAILRESPONSE(Reject,Mailto, class=”linkcolor1”)) </div>
External or Internal links:
$BEGINSUBJECT()$NOTIFICATION() - $ITEMNUMBER() $TTID()$ENDSUBJECT() <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$GETSETTINGSSTR(CharSet,UTF-8)"> <title>$NOTIFICATION() - $ITEMNUMBER() $TTID()</title> <style type="text/css"> a.attachlink:link { color: #0000FF } a.attachlink:visited { color: #0000FF } a.attachlink:hover { color: #006600 } </style> $IF(AUXTABLE)$ELSE()$ENDIF() <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><b>$STRING(IDS_EMAIL_DISPLAYVALUE):</b></td> <td>$ITEMNUMBER()</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>$SYSFIELDNAME(TS_SYSFLD_TEXT_DISPLAYID):</b></td> <td>$ITEMNUMBER()</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>$SYSFIELDNAME(TS_SYSFLD_TITLE):</b></td> <td>$TITLE()</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <br>Dear $RECIPIENT(),<br><br><p align="left"> This ticket requires your approval.</p> <p align="left"> To approve, click <a href="$EMAILRESPONSE(Approve, external)" style="background: #11356D; color: white; display: inline-block; width: auto; text-align: center;text-decoration:none;border:10px solid #11356D;">Approve</a></p> <p align="left"> To reject, click <a href="$EMAILRESPONSE(Reject, external)" style="background: #11356D; color: white; display: inline-block; width: auto; text-align: center;text-decoration:none;border:10px solid #11356D;">Reject</a></p> <br>$IF(CANVIEW)$IF(VIEWLINK) <b>$STRING(IDS_EMAIL_TOVIEW) $ITEMTYPENAME():</b> $LINK( TRUE )$ENDIF()$ENDIF()<br> <br>$IF(CANVIEW)$FIELDS()$ENDIF()<br> <br>$FILEATTACHMENTLINKS()
In this example, the response names Approve and Reject are used. The second parameter (external or internal) configures the link for access outside or inside the firewall.
Returns fields selected on the Fields page for each notification, as discussed in E-mail Field Settings.
Asterisks replace field values for users who do not have permission to view fields included in the notification. Fields in the Not Used fields section are not included in the e-mail notification.
For HTML e-mail templates, insert the number of display columns between the parentheses. If you do not specify the parameter, the default number of display columns is 2. This parameter is ignored for text-formatted e-mail messages.
Result for user who cannot view specific fields:
Adds links to files attached to items associated with the e-mail notification.
Links to file attachments appear in the notification only if users have permissions to view those attachments in the associated item. Tag can be included in text-based messages, but links are not clickable.
Use to specify which information should appear in the e-mail message if the notification is associated with a primary table or auxiliary table.
Result (for primary items):
Result (for auxiliary items with Item ID field included in table):
Use to determine if the subscriber has privileges to view a specific field.
Fields specified in this tag must be selected on the Fields page for each notification, as discussed in E-mail Field Settings.
Use with the $FIELDVALUE(fieldname) tag to show the field's current value in the e-mail message.
Returns the logical field name.
Item is assigned to $IF(CANVIEW,Doc Lead) $FIELDVALUE(Doc Lead) $ELSE() a Manager $ENDIF()
Result for users who can view Doc Lead field:
Results for users who cannot view Doc Lead field:
Returns information based on the application to which the notification is related.
Parameters are based on table settings, which are available on the General tab of the Table property editor in SBM Composer.
$IF(ITEMTYPE, Change Requests) Send this information about Change Requests $ELSE() Send this information about all other item types $ENDIF()
Returns a link to the item related to the notification to users who have the Include a Link to the Item check box selected in their user profile.
Must be used with $LINK tag, as shown in the following sample.
When the $LINK tag is included in the template without the $IF(VIEWLINK) tag, users who do not have the Include a Link to the Item check box selected receive a message stating that the item was created, but they must select the check box in their user profile to receive links to items.
Result with $IF(VIEWLINK) tag:
Result without $IF(VIEWLINK) tag:
Returns the system-generated ID number.
For primary items, returns the prefix, if any, and ID number of the item associated with the e-mail notification. For auxiliary items, returns the ID number if the auxiliary table contains the system Item ID field. If it does not, the table's display name is returned.
Returns the singular item name for the primary or auxiliary table.
The singular item name is specified in SBM Composer and can be viewed in the General tab of the Edit Table property editor for the applicable table.
Returns custom header information.
Use to add information to the e-mail header. For example, you can return sender information in the header.
For best results, use both the header name and header value parameters, as shown in the sample below.
Use to indicate message headers.
Use to indicate body headers.
Use to label header data.
Use to provide header data.
Includes notes added to an item by users or by e-mail messages.
Individual notes that exceed the character limit specified in SBM Configurator are added to the notification as attachments.
Notes are only included with a notification if users have privileges to view those notes in the associated item.
Returns the name of the notification.
The notification name is available on the General page when you are adding or editing notifications and escalations.
Returns whether the item is paused or unpaused.
Use to indicate whether an item is paused or unpaused. If an item has been paused by Serena Demand Manager, the tag returns "Paused".
Returns the name of the notification recipient.
The name specified in the Full Name box in the user's profile is used.
Returns the e-mail address of the notification recipient.
All e-mail addresses specified for a user are returned. Mutiple e-mail addresses are separated by a semi-colon.
Returns the current number of repeated notifications.
Use this tag to display the number of times that the notification has been repeated.
Number of repeated notifications: $REPEATCOUNTER()
Number of repeated notifications: 5
Returns the title of the item associated with the notification.
Information provided in the system Title field is used.
Returns the date and time the notification rule became "true" for an item.
Date and time are formatted for the locale set in each user's profile.
This notification was triggered at $TRIGGEREDDATETIME()
Returns the identifier ([ttid: table ID, record ID]) required by the E-mail Recorder feature, which attaches replies to the e-mail notification to the item to which it pertains.
By default, the $TTID() tag is enclosed by the $BEGINSUBJECT() and $ENDSUBJECT() base template tags in the default.txt notification template. This tag must remain in this location for the E-mail Recorder to function properly. If the E-mail Recorder is not configured, this tag is ignored. For details on the E-mail Recorder, refer to the SBM Installation and Configuration Guide.
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