Administrative Utilities → About Resources → Resource Settings → The Resources View → General Resource Settings
Use the General page to define attributes for each resource.
The following options are available:
Selected by default, this option associates the resource with an SBM user account. Use this type for resources who will be assigned work items.
Select this option to add a resource for a user who does not have an SBM account. This is useful for tracking resources who are part of a resource team, but who will not be assigned work items. This might include executives or project stakeholders, for example.
For resources who are SBM users, search for the user by name or login ID. For other resources, provide a unique name.
Optionally, provide a description for the resource.
Optionally, provide a location for the resource.
Select the SBM calendar to use for capacity calculations. If a calendar is not selected, the resource's capacity is calculated as zero. For details, refer to About Working Hours, Capacity, and Scheduling.
If the resource is an employee, enter his or her employee ID number.
If the resource is an employee, enter his or her employment start date.
If the resource is an employee, enter his or her employment end date.
Select the type of employment that applies. You can add and assign types by clicking the Add button. For example, you might define employees as "Full Time" or "Part Time".
When you associate a resource associated with an SBM user account, the user's login ID, e-mail address, product-access type are shown here. The Status field shows if the SBM has been deleted. Click the user's login ID to view user account details.
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