Overview → About the Solution Process Apps → About the Deployment Path Application
The Deployment Path application is included in the Release Package process app.
Deployment paths are a sequence of environments through which a release package must progress, such as development, integration testing, and production. This allows you to ensure that each release package has gone through the required testing stages before it moves to production. You can define whether each environment is required or optional on this path. You can also define when the release package is locked to prevent further changes, ensuring that what was previously tested is what is going to be deployed to your production environment.
Deployment paths can be associated with specific release types, which enable you to limit the selection of paths available for a release package. For example, you may have both "development" and "production" release types for your deployment paths. The "development' paths would be available to developers as they test their items on the development and QA servers. The "production" paths would be available to release engineers and would allow the release packages to be deployed to staging and production environments.
The deployment path is designed using the graphical interface to add, modify, and delete the environments in the paths. For example, a simplified environment sequence would be the following:
An example deployment path is shown in the following figure.
Deployment paths follow a process organized into these stages:
Typically, deployment paths are created when you implement Release Control for your organization. You generally have a limited set of deployment paths that should be available to use for your release packages, and those should be defined and ready to be selected by release engineers who use Release Control to deploy release packages.
While a deployment path is in the Create stage, release engineers can:
select and add eligible environments to the path in a sequence
set options for the environment on the path, such as:
Required: Indicates whether deployment to an environment is required or optional
On Fail: Specifies which environment to go to in case of a failure
Set Lock: Indicates whether an environment is locked, so that no changes are allowed to the release package when it is deployed to that environment unless it is reverted to a different environment; this can be used to implement a code freeze.
Redeploy: Indicates that the release package may be deployed again into the same environment
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