Demoting ChangeMan ZMF Change Packages

After the ChangeMan ZMF Execution Provider configuration has been added or updated as needed, users, such as Release Managers, can demote ChangeMan ZMF change packages through deployment tasks.

Only FULL type is available.

The fields that are displayed when configuring the deployment tasks to demote change packages are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values
Title A descriptive name of the deployment task Demote from Test to Dev
Description A longer description that explains what the task does This task demotes the change package from Test back to Dev because QA has found that additional development work is needed.
Action Select Demote.
Application Filter Enter text to filter by application name. app
Application Select an application.
Note: This field requires an application filter to be entered in the preceding field by design, as the selection must be limited to a reasonable list.
<select application>
Environments Select from environments configured in the deployment path. For example, Dev, Test, and Prod. <select Dev>
Site name filter Filter by site name to limit the number of sites returned
Promotion Site Select a promotion site. <select siteName>
Promotion Environment For each selected environment, select the level to which to demote the selected site. This field requires the site to be selected in the preceding field. <select promotion environment>

After you create the deployment task, the task appears in the list in red, and you must then associate the related change package with the deployment task. See Linking Deployment Units to Deployment Tasks.