Auditing ChangeMan ZMF Change Packages

The fields that are displayed when configuring the deployment tasks to audit change packages are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values
Title A descriptive name of the deployment task Audit Dev Complete
Description A longer description that explains what the task does This task audits the change package in development after the development work is considered completed and is ready for testing.
Action Select Audit.
Application Filter Enter text to filter by application name.
Applications Select additional applications if necessary; by default the change package will be audited within the scope of its own application.
Note: This is the equivalent of setting the SPECIFY APPLICATION SCOPE option to YES in ChangeMan ZMF in the AUDIT CHANGE PACKAGE screen and subsequently selecting applications.
<select application>
Comment Enter a comment.
Note: This field is required when initiating the audit action from Release Control because the text is used to view the audit information in the Release Control user interface. This field is not typically required for an audit configured in ChangeMan ZMF on z/OS.
Audit in Dev
Environments Select from environments configured in the deployment path. For example, Dev, Test, and Prod. <select Dev>

After you create the deployment task, the task appears in the list in red, and you must then associate the related change package with the deployment task. See Linking Deployment Units to Deployment Tasks.