Associating Requests as Deployment Units

After the Dimensions CM Request Deployment Unit Provider configuration has been added or updated as needed, users, such as Release Managers, can associate Dimensions CM requests with deployment units.

Important: If you promote, demote, and deploy item revisions using baselines rather than through requests, you must use the Dimensions CM default plugin to associate baselines as deployment units. See Associating Baselines with Deployment Units.

In a release package, navigate to the Deployment Units tab. Enter search criteria and then click Find Items to find and select the Dimensions CM requests to associate with the deployment unit.

The fields that are displayed when searching for Dimensions CM requests from the Deployment Unit Widget are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values
Product The specific product that contains the Dimensions CM requests for associating QLARIUS
Status Filters

Limits the scope of the request search to selected statuses.

Values are specified in Deployment Unit - Status Filters list of the Dimensions CM request plugin configuration and appear here for selection.

Title Filter

Limits the scope of the request search to just those requests whose titles contain the given keyword.
