About Dimensions CM Deployment Tasks

After the Dimensions CM Execution Provider configuration has been added or updated, users, such as Release Managers, can promote, demote, and deploy Dimensions CM baselines or requests through deployment tasks.

To add a Dimensions CM deployment task, you use the Dimensions CM execution provider. Typically, to use the Dimensions CM execution provider, in a Release Package in the Deployment Tasks tab, do the following:

  1. Click Edit Deployment Tasks.
  2. Click the + icon to add a task.
  3. Select the Dimensions CM execution provider name.
    Note: If you select an execution provider configured in the Dimensions CM Default plugin provider name, deployment units associated with the task are baselines. If you select an execution provider configured in the Dimensions CM Request plugin, deployment units associated with the task are requests.
  4. In the resulting form, enter the title and select an action.

After you select an action, additional fields appear.

See the following topics for details.