Merge Target Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Use the Merge Target page of the Merge Item Wizard to choose the output of the merge. You can:

Merge Target



Rules and Guidelines

New revision

Select this option if you want the target of the merge to be a new revision of the item

Not available if File-based merge has been selected on the previous page.


Shows the branch for the selected item.

If required, select a new branch.

Not available if File-based merge has been selected on the previous page.


Shows the new revision ID, incremented by one from the previous revision ID.

If required, type a new revision ID.

Not available if File-based merge has been selected on the previous page.

Mark revisions as already merged with selected start revision

Select this option to update the item pedigree to show the item revisions as already having been merged without invoking the Serena Merge Tool.

Not available if File-based merge has been selected on the previous page.

Merge to a file

If you want to use a workfile on disk as the output target of the merge, select the radio button and use the browse button to select the workfile.


Related Topics

Merging Item Revisions and Files

Merge Item Wizard

Merge Revisions/Files Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge - Options Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge Attributes Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge - Summary Page (Merge Item Wizard)