Merge Revisions/Files Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Use the Revisions/Files page of the Merge Item Wizard to include additional item revisions and/or files in the merge along with the selected base and ancestor.

Revisions/Files Page



Rules and Guidelines

Merge with these revisions

If required, select one or more revisions from the list.

Not available if File-based merge has been selected on the first page.

Merge with these files

If required, click the Add... button and browse for the required file.

To remove a file from the list, click Remove.


Related Topics

Merging Item Revisions and Files

Merge Item Wizard

Merge Target Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge - Options Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge Attributes Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge - Summary Page (Merge Item Wizard)