Merge - Options Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Use the Options page of the Merge Item Wizard to specify additional options if you are using a new item revision as the output for the merge.

Options Page



Rules and Guidelines

Request ID

Type a request ID, or click the Browse button to find a request.

The request specification has the following format:

productID_changedocType_ number


Select a status for the merged item.


Expand Substitution Variables

Select this option to enable item header substitution.

For more information, see About Using Header Substitution Variables.

Automatic Merge

Automatically merge non-conflicting items without displaying the merge tool window.


Reason for Item Merge

Type a brief description of the merge.


Related Topics

Merging Item Revisions and Files

Merge Item Wizard

Merge Target Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge Revisions/Files Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge Attributes Page (Merge Item Wizard)

Merge - Summary Page (Merge Item Wizard)