Action an item revision when you want to move it from its current state to one of the next available lifecycle states. You action an item revision when the work for the current lifecycle state is complete. An item revision must be checked in before you can action it.
When you action an item from your Inbox, it may be removed from your Inbox and moved to the Inboxes of users who have roles for the next lifecycle state.
If you are actioning items to a lifecycle state that is associated with a stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, they will also be promoted to that stage, and if there are any default areas associated with the project/stream, the item files will automatically be deployed to those areas.
Action Item to Next State to action an item to a valid next state.
Action Item to Any State to action an item to a lifecycle state without a valid transition.
NOTE When an item is actioned to another state, any users who have a role assigned for that state receive an email notification. The user who performed the action however, does not receive an email even if they had a role on the item at that state.
NOTE When you action an item to or from a lifecycle state that is sensitive, thus requiring an electronic signature, you will be presented with an Authentication Point dialog box. In this case, enter your Dimensions CM password and click OK.
To action a single item:
In an Items list, select one or more items. If you select multiple items, you cannot change item attributes.
Select Item | Action, or click the Action Item button.
For New Status, select a lifecycle state. Either select Next status and select a valid next state from the list, or select All statuses and select a lifecycle state from the list. (You will require the necessary privilege to action to a state other than a valid next state.)
Click the Next button.
If you want to set any attributes, type or select the values.
Required attributes are shown in bold.
Click the Next button.
Optionally, in the Comment field, type a comment.
Click the Next button.
If you want to delegate the item to another user, select the role from the Select the role to delegate and choose between Primary, Secondary, or Leader and move the required user(s) from the Available users list to the Assigned Users list. For more details, see Delegating an Item.
Click the Next button.
Use the Summary page to check the details of the action to be performed.
Click the Finish button to perform the action and close the wizard.
To action multiple items:
In an Items list, select two or more items. If you select multiple items, you cannot change item attributes.
Select Item | Action, or click the Action Item button.
From the New Status list, select a lifecycle state or leave it blank to action the item to the next normal lifecycle state.
If you have the necessary privilege, and want to action the item to any lifecycle state, click the All Statuses option, and then select a lifecycle state.
Optionally, in the Action Description field, type a comment.
Click the OK button.
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