The navigation windows are located by default on the left of the main window. They contain icons and tree structures that you can navigate and select the Dimensions objects you want to work with.
NOTE Depending on the UI profile you have, the content of these windows can change, and the My Current Project/Stream navigation window may not be displayed.
The navigation windows are:
My Current Project/Stream: Contains a tree structure showing your current project or stream’s folder structure, any associated areas, and the catalog of related objects. Selecting objects in the Inbox and Catalog in this window show only those objects related to the current project/stream.
Global Catalog: Contains icons for the object classes in Dimensions, enabling you to display all of those objects in the catalog for the current product regardless of the project/stream they are related to. There is a node for each object class.
Clicking an icon displays a selection dialog box enabling you to specify filter criteria to determine which of the objects in the catalog you want to display in the content window.
Global Inbox: contains an icon for each of the object classes which can be pending an action from you regardless of the project/stream they are related to.
Expanding a node and clicking an icon displays a content window listing all the objects of that class that are in your inbox.
Favorite Reports.
My Reports.
Public Report.
My Filters.
My Lists of Requests.
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My Current Project/My Current Stream