Viewing Impacted Targets


Follow this procedure to view the targets impacted by items, a request, or a project/stream. This enables you to check what targets may need to be rebuilt if you change a source file.

PRIVILEGES  None required

To view impacted targets:

  1. In the desktop client select the items, request, or project/stream for which you want to view impacted targets.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. The Impacted Targets wizard appears.

  4. From the Build configuration list select the build configuration for which you want to view impacted targets.

  5. From the Build Stage list select a deployment stage. To select a work area select <none>.

  6. From the Build Area list select a build or work area.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Choose target selections for the target list:

  9. If you change target selections, click Re-query to repopulate the target list.

  10. For each target in the Targets list the following build dependency information is displayed:

  11.       Build Config: matches a rule in a build configuration (explicit relationship).

          BOM: named in a bill of materials (BOM) from a previous build (implicit relationship).

          Build Config/BOM: matches both of the above (explicit and implicit).

          <blank>: no matches were found for the selected objects.

          Prediction: the relationship is based on a previous revision of the item.

          Foreign: is related to an item in a different project or stream.

  12. Click Close.

Related Topics

About Dimensions Build

Building Items

Building Projects or Streams

Building Requests

Building Baselines

Auditing a Dimensions Project/Stream