Serena® Dimensions® CM enables you to build items, requests, projects/streams, and baselines from the desktop, web, command-line, and ISPF clients. Builds are managed by Dimensions Build, a build management, execution, and monitoring tool that is part of Dimensions CM. When you build you can optionally capture build outputs and check them automatically into Dimensions. This functionality is referred to as a closed-loop build. When you capture build outputs you can optionally select the requests that the outputs will be related to.
For information about configuring and using Dimensions Build see the Dimensions CM Build Tools User’s Guide or the administration console help.
For information about running builds from the command-line client see the Command-Line Reference.
For information about running builds from the Dimensions for z/OS ISPF client see the Dimensions for z/OS User’s and Administrator’s Guide or the help for the build panels.
When you run a build you can optionally specify build options in the Other Build Options field in the Run Build wizard. For details about the build options see The Templating Language and Processor chapter of the Developer’s Reference.
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