Creating Build Targets

When you create a new build target, you invoke the Create New Target Wizard. This wizard has four pages:

Contains information about the target itself.

Contains information about the script used to build the target.

Contains information about build options and build option groups, if any.

Offers a chance to add a source file, attach an existing source file, define or attach dependent targets, or to go back and alter details on any of the three previous pages.

The remainder of this section describes the process of creating a new target, but does not go into detail for the Script and Options pages. Those pages are described in the Scripts section and the Build Options section.

To create a build target:

  1. From the Build Administration Console, select the build configuration that will receive the new target. The Build Targets section appears on the right side of the application window.

  2. Click the New object icon (shaped like a plus sign). The Create New Target wizard appears. By default, the Target page appears first.

  3. Fill out the Target page and the other three wizard pages as described in the following sections.

Fill out the Target page

On this page, you enter the identification details for the target.

  1. For Name, enter a name for the target.

  2. For File, enter the filename for the target. This must be the exact filename of the target on the build node.

  3. For Relative Path, enter the path relative to the build area.

  4. For Description, enter a description for the target.

  5. Select the Is Virtual check box if the target is a virtual target.

  6. Select the Is Final check box if the target is not an intermediate target; that is, the target will not be used as the input to a subsequent build operation.

  7. For Design Part, to relate a design part to the target, enter a design part name or click Browse and select one from the tree.

  8. Click Next to reach the Scripts page.

Fill out the Scripts page

On this page, you select the source for the script, and enter the text of the script if needed.

  1. For Build Order enter a numerical value that specifies the order in which the transition is built.

  2. Select the Expand Wildcards check box to:

  3. For more details see Support for Wildcards in Build Configurations.


  4. For Select the source for script content when building the target, choose from one of the following four choices:

  5.       input script content manually

          Use a Dimensions-controlled file as a script

          Use a file in the build area as a script

          Use the build configuration main script

    Enter the text for the script, or select one of the other three choices that designate a script that has already been created.

    For a detailed description of all four choices, see the Scripts section.

  6. Click Next to reach the Options page.

Fill out the Options page

On this page, you define build options, or attach previously-defined option groups.

Build options and option groups are not required, but can be attached here if desired.

a    Select Add new option and then click Next. The Add New Option page appears.

b    Fill out the Add New Option page as described in Creating Build Options.

c     Click Next. You are returned to the Options tab.

a    Click the Option Groups tab on the Options page.

b    Select Add new option group and then click Next. The Add Option Group page appears.

c     Select the desired option group and then click Next. You are returned to the Option Groups tab.

For a detailed description of options, see the Build Options section. For a discussion of option groups, see Build Option Groups.

When you are done with the Options page, click Next to reach the Build Plan page.

Fill out the Build Plan page

On this page, you define the inputs to the target. Inputs can be source files or other targets, either existing or yet to be defined.

You can also go back and modify an existing target or source file.

a    Select Add new source and Click Next. The Add New Source page appears.

b    Enter the filename or mask (example: *.java).

c     Enter the path to the file or files, relative to the build area. For the current directory, use ".\".

d    For Build Type enter an item format. For details see Using Item Formats to Control Build Rules.

e    Click Next. You are returned to the Build Plan page.

a    Select Add new target, then click Next. The Add New target page appears.

b    Fill out the fields as described in Fill out the Target page, then click Next. The Script page appears.

c     Fill out the Script page as described in Fill out the Scripts page, then click Next. The Modify Options page appears.

d    Fill out the Modify Options page as described in Fill out the Options page, then click Next. You are returned to the Build Plan page.

When you are done adding source files or targets, click Finish. The new targets and source files appear in the Build Targets area of the Build Administration Console.