To create a build option from a build configuration, build area, or target:
Check out the build configuration if you have not already done so.
Select the build configuration, build area, or target.
Click the New Object icon (shaped like a plus sign) next to the Build Options area. The Add New Build Option dialog box appears.
Enter a Name for the option. This is the name that will be used in build scripts later. The name can contain spaces.
NOTE If you use the same name for build options in all areas, the following precedence table applies, in order of highest priority to lowest priority:
a Build options defined in the Run Build wizard
b Build options defined at the target level
c Build options defined at the build area level
d Build options defined at the build configuration level
Enter an optional Description for the option.
For the Value Type, select from Freeform text, Option Rule, and Option Link.
Freeform text
Option Rule
Option Link
Enter the Value for the option.
Click OK. A confirmation dialog box appears briefly, and the new option appears in the Build Options area.
NOTE You can also specify build options in the Run Build wizard (see Running a Build Configuration). However, options that you specify are not saved. |