Components are the centerpiece of Serena Release Automation's deployment engine. Components associate items that will be deployed—artifacts—with processes that will deploy them. The following table summarizes the basic steps performed to create components. Related topics are listed below the table.
Step | Description |
1. Define source configuration | Define the source type and identify the artifacts associated with the component. The source type can be any or nearly any associated with a software project. Once defined, all artifacts must be of the defined type, see Creating Components. |
2. Create component version | Create the initial component version by importing artifacts into the artifact repository, CodeStation. Versions can be imported manually or automatically. Version imports can be full (all artifacts are imported) or incremental (only changed artifacts are imported). Serena Release Automation tracks all artifact changes which enables you to rollback components or deploy multiple versions of the same one. |
3. Create component process | Use the process design editor to create a process for the component. Component processes consist of user-configured steps that operate on the component, usually by deploying it. The available steps are provided by installed plug-ins. As shipped Serena Release Automation provides plug-ins for many common functions. Numerous other plug-ins are available from Serena— |
Related topics:
How to create manual tasks, see Component Manual Tasks
How to install plug-ins, see Installing Plug-ins
How to create and use templates, see Creating a Component Template
How to import component templates, see Importing Templates